When asking for clarification you should look at your feet?
False, always face the person
When asking for help you should always face the person
You don't have to wait for the person to stop talking in order to ask your question.
False, never interrupt, always wait for the person to be done and ready to help.
They're Grrrrrreeat!
Frosted Flakes cereal
When asking for clarification just begin talking.
False, ask if he or she has time to talk. Don't interrupt.
You should ask the person if they have time to help you either now or later?
You should look at the person.
"Just Do It" is by ___________
When asking for clarification you should just say "I don't understand"
False, specifically state what you are confused about. Begin with things like..."I was wondering if or Could I ask about"
Clearly describe the problem and what kind of help you are needing.
Is it okay to ask for help?
Yes! you can always ask for help when needed.
"Think outside the bun"
Taco Bell
when I need help I don't need to explain it, they should already know what I need help with
False, clearly explain the kind of help that you need
You should walk away when they are done helping you.
Ignore the persons answer.
False, you should follow listen.
Finger Lickin’ Good
After they help me, I can walk away and do my work
False, before walking away, you should thank the person for their time.
You can't find your favorite cereal at the grocery store. How can you ask for help? Act it out!
Ask a grocery clerk or mom/dad to help you find it.
What is step 4 in asking for help?
Thanking the person for helping
What are the 4 steps to asking for help?
1. look at the person
2. ask if they have time to help
3. clearly explain the kind of help you need
4. thank the person for helping