Conversational Skills
Problem Solving
Emotions & Reactions
Nonverbal Communication
Perspective Taking

What is a good way to start a conversation with someone new?

  • Say “Hi, how are you?”
  • Ask about something you have in common (e.g., "I like your Superman shirt! Do you like superheroes too?")
  • Compliment them (e.g., “I like your backpack!”)

What should you do if someone is talking over you in a group conversation?

  • Wait until they finish, then politely say, “I’d like to share something too.”
  • Use a gesture like raising your hand in a small group
  • Speak up and say, “I’d like to add to that!”

What does it mean to feel frustrated?

  • Feeling annoyed when something is hard
  • Wanting to give up but needing to keep trying
  • Feeling like things aren’t going the way you want

What does it mean when someone is smiling and making eye contact?

  • They are happy and engaged
  • They are paying attention to you
  • They feel comfortable talking

Why is it important to think about how others feel?

  • It helps us be kind and respectful
  • It makes friendships stronger
  • It prevents misunderstandings

If someone interrupts you while you're speaking, what should you do?

  • Pause and listen to them first
  • Politely say, “I wasn’t finished yet.”
  • Wait for a natural pause and continue speaking after.

If a friend is upset but won’t tell you why, what can you do?

  • Say, “I’m here if you want to talk.”
  • Give them space but check in later
  • Offer a kind gesture like a compliment or a small act of kindness

If someone is crossing their arms and looking away, how might they be feeling?

  • Angry or annoyed
  • Upset or sad
  • Wanting to be left alone

How can you tell if someone is feeling nervous?

  • They fidget with their hands
  • They avoid eye contact
  • They speak quietly or quickly

If your friend is having a bad day, how might you support them?

  • Listen to them and ask if they want to talk
  • Say something kind or offer a hug (if they’re okay with it)
  • Invite them to do something fun

How can you show someone you are listening to them?

  • Make eye contact
  • Nod your head in agreement
  • Respond with short phrases like “That makes sense” or “Wow, that’s cool!”

You forgot your work at home, and your teacher or boss asks for it. How do you handle the situation?

  • Be honest and say, “I forgot it at home. Can I bring it tomorrow?”
  • Apologize and ask if there’s a way to make it up
  • Set a reminder so you don’t forget next time

A friend is excited about their birthday party, but you can’t go. How can you respond?

  • Say, “I wish I could come! I hope you have so much fun!”
  • Ask, “What are you most excited about?”
  • Offer to celebrate with them another time

Why is it important to match your tone of voice to what you are saying?

  • It helps people understand how you feel
  • It prevents confusion or misunderstanding
  • It shows that you care about what you’re saying

How can you tell if a joke you made hurt someone’s feelings?

  • They stop laughing and look uncomfortable
  • They avoid talking to you afterward
  • They tell you they didn’t like it

What are some topics you should avoid when talking to new people?

  • Personal information (e.g., money, family problems)
  • Negative topics (e.g., complaining about others)
  • Controversial topics (e.g., politics, religion)

A peer is making you upset. What are some appropriate ways to respond?

  • Ignore them and walk away
  • Use a calm but firm voice: “I don’t like that. Please stop.”
  • Seek help by telling a trusted person if it continues

Your sibling or friend takes something that belongs to you without asking. What are different ways you could react?

  • Calmly say, “I don’t like when you take my things. Please ask first.”
  • Ask why they took it and try to understand their reason
  • Get a parent or adult involved if needed

What does it mean if someone rolls their eyes during a conversation?

  • They are annoyed or don’t believe what is being said
  • They might be being sarcastic
  • They are not interested in the conversation

What does “putting yourself in someone else’s shoes” mean?

  • Imagining how they feel in a situation
  • Understanding someone else’s perspective
  • Thinking before reacting

What should you do if someone is not interested in continuing a conversation?

  • Notice their body language (e.g., looking away, short answers)
  • Say, “I’ll talk to you later!” and walk away
  • Find another person to talk to

You notice someone being left out at lunch. How could you help?

  • Invite them to sit with you
  • Ask them a question to start a conversation
  • Suggest playing a game together

Why is it important to consider how others feel before reacting in a situation?

  • It helps avoid hurting their feelings
  • It makes conversations more positive
  • It builds strong relationships

Name three types of nonverbal communication.

  • Facial expressions
  • Body language
  • Tone of voice

If someone says something that offends you, but you think they didn’t mean it, what should you do?

  • Calmly ask, “Did you mean it that way? That hurt my feelings.”
  • Give them a chance to explain before getting upset
  • Let them know how their words made you feel