Coping Skills
Greetings and Gestures
Name that Social Skill

This is the first thing you should do in the morning before greeting the world. 

What is wash your Face or brush your teeth?


Typically a good time to utilize deep breathing and counting to ten.

What is when I am angry/upset/frustrated. 


Characterized by a smiley face and pleasant attitude.

What is happy?


When your teammate does a good job you guys might ____ each other to celebrate.  

What is high five 


The process of identifying a issue, developing possible solutions, and taking the best course of action to resolve the issue.

What is problem solving? 


Although everyone's preferences are different, most of us do this at night before bed, in the morning before work/school, or when your extra smelly. 

What is take a shower/bath.


Doing this can be a welcome escape from reality, turning the pages allows you to explore new worlds with your imagination. It's also a great way to pass free time.

What is reading a book?


When you experience romantic attraction to another person.

What is being in love?


The gesture of waving your hand in the air is a greeting or salutation for...

What is Hello/Goodbye?


listening to someone with the intent of hearing them, understanding their message, and retaining what they say

What is Active listening


Something people apply in the morning, but the smell of it lingers the whole day or until your next bath.

What is Perfume/cologne?


Feelings and emotions are sometimes too much for one person to cope with, in those times it is best to 

What is seek help?


John is _____ he has to walk home from school because his mom has to work late. 

What is annoyed?


You are introduced to someone new and you both reach to _______ while greeting each other.

What is shake hands? 


The act of peacefully resolving a disagreement

What is conflict resolution?


Utilizing a moisturizing serum is typically one step in this routine.

What is skin care routine?


Talking to others is helpful but if that is too hard you may try ________ to help process traumatic events by organizing chaotic thoughts and releasing pent-up emotions.

What is writing in a journal?


Jane was in public when she witnessed person A jumped over person B's head.  Jane eyes got really wide, and her mouth dropped to the ground because she was...

What is shocked/surprise?


Less formal than a handshake, you usually do this with people you are close and familiar with

What is fist bump?


your friend shares a story about something that made her sad and now you guys or sad together.  you are being______

What is empathetic? 


Wear this overnight to provide deep hydration and support your skin’s natural repair processes.  It makes you appear fresher more radiant in the morning.

What is sleep mask or overnight mask?


When a task or situation is overwhelming and stressful, doing this can help reduce stress, prevent fatigue, improve concentration and improve your overall mental health.

What is taking a break?


When someone you love is mean to you or neglectful it could _____

What is hurt your feelings. 


Your teacher is on the other side of the room while the class is taking a test.  When she looks at you and see that you're passing notes with a friend.  She just gives the _____ gesture to express her disproval.

What is thumbs down?


Verbal and non-verbal forms of expression

What is communication?