Problem Solving
Reacting to Situations
What do you say?

"Bite off more than you can chew"

Take on more than you can do


Problem: You missed the bus to go home.

Solution: Call parents for a ride, walk, tell the office


Your teacher told everyone to put everything away and make sure nothing is on your desk. What do you think is going to happen next?

The teacher is going to give a quiz, test, or you will be doing an activity.


You can't find your pencil case and notice someone has one just like yours. What do you do?

Ask them if they have seen your pencil case. Let them know you are missing your pencil case. Do not accuse them of stealing your pencil case.


Your friend doesn't have enough money to eat lunch. What do you say?

Offer to pay for her lunch if you have extra money.

Offer suggestions like talking to an adult.

Ask your friend if they want to share your lunch.


"Walk in someone else's shoes"

To understand what another person is going through


Problem: Having to stand in front of the class to do a presentation.

Solution: Ask if you can read from a paper or note card, don't look at people but look a objects, ask if there is a different way to share a presentation


You are carrying books, laptop, water bottle, pencil case, backpack, and books up the stairs. What do you think might happen?

You could drop something because your hands are full.


You overheard someone telling another person they were going to push your friend after school. How do you react?

Let a teacher know what you heard. Tell your friend what might happen. 


You see a little kid crying on the playground. What do you do or say?

Walk up to them and ask them why they are crying. Ask them if you could help.


"Cry over spilled milk"

Worrying or complaining about something you can't do anything to change


Problem: You want something that someone else is using.

Solution: Ask them if you can use it when they are done with it. 


You are watching tv during a thunderstorm and the lights flicker. What do you thik might happen?

Power may go out


Your teacher told you that if you didn't work hard during class you would not be able to have free choice time. You decided to talk to your friend instead of doing your work. At the end of the day your teacher told you you couldn't do free choice time. How do you react?

Even though you are upset, you knew the consequences and now have to finish the work not done.

*Do not yell at the teacher or say things disrespectful. 


Your dad forgot to bring your stuffed animal to your grandmother's house for your sleepover. What do you say?

Let him know that you are sad, but it is okay. 

Let him know that you should have remembered too.

Tell him you are sad, but you will have your stuffed animal when you get home.


"Let the cat out of the bag"

Reveal a secret or something you shouldn't have shared


Problem: You don't understand what you are supposed to do on your math worksheet.

Solution: Raise your hand and ask the teacher to repeat the directions or say the directions another way. Ask the teacher to give you an example of what you need to do.


You forgot to do your homework and you have to stay after school to finish your homework, but you have a soccer game after school.

You might miss the soccer game. You might finish on time and still get to play. The coach may have a consequence for being late to the game.


Your friend just told you her dog passed away yesterday and she is so sad. How do you react?

Tell your friend how sorry you are to hear that her dog died. 

Ask if she could use a hug.

Be a good listener and let her share memories of her dog.


Chocolate milk is your favorite. When you get your lunch, you notice there is no more chocolate milk, just white milk.

Ask someone if there is anymore chocolate milk.

Take the white milk and hope there is more chocolate milk tomorrow.


"Walk on eggshells"

Be careful with what you say and do


Problem: You forgot your laptop at home and you need to use it all day in school. 

What are you going to do in the future?

Solution: Ask the teacher if you can call a parent to bring it to school. Ask the teacher if there is another laptop you can use for the day. Share a computer with a friend.

*Pack your bag the night before and make sure you have everything you need for school.


The cat is climbing a tree and the branch she is getting ready to walk on is broken. What might happen?

The cat might fall. The cat might realize that branch is not safe and climb a different way.


Your friend invited everyone to a slumber party except you. How do you react?

Try to figure out why by asking your friend why you were not invited to the party (in a nice way).

Try to have fun anyway with other friends on the day of the party (Don't be resentful).

Spend more time with other friends and try not to let it bother you.


Someone told you that you stink at playing soccer. What do you say?

Let them know that they hurt your feelings. If they continue to tease, tell an adult. 

Let the other person know that you are trying hard and it is not very nice to pick on others.