Coping Skills 1
Coping skills 2
Social skills 1
Social Skills 2
How would you feel if a friend at school called you "dumb". 

Sad, Angry


Name any coping skill or your favorite

Anything that works for you is right!


What can you do if you have too much energy?

Play outside, walk around, jumping jack, yoga etc.


What can you do if your friend is mad at you for something you did to them?

Apologize, say sorry


Someone asks you if they can copy your homework.

What can you do?

You can explain you won't let them copy but you will help them understand the work.


What emotion is this?

Bored, Tired


What coping skill does this picture go with?

Use a fidget spinner or toy.


What can you do if you are mad at your teacher?

Take a break, take deep breaths, talk to parent/teacher, etc.


What can you do if two people ask you to hang out at the same time?

Suggest that the 3 of you hang out together, hang out with one and then the other, say no to one, but schedule another time for the other, etc.


You are taking a test and there is no talking allowed. You are writing your answers on paper and your pencil breaks. What could you do?

Raise your hand and ask for a new pencil.


How do you feel when you get good behavior points in school?

Proud, Happy


What coping skills does this picture go with?

Relax, chill


What can you do if you are feeling sad at home?

Cry, talk to a friend/parent/teacher, snuggle with a blanket, breathe, drink water etc.


Show me how you would introduce yourself to someone.

Helllo, my name is_____. Nice to meet you!


Your friend is moving away and you feel really sad. What can you do?

You can make a plan to stay in contact over the phone and plan visits.


How might someone feel if they have done something wrong and they know it was wrong?

Guilt, ashamed, sad


Tell me a coping skill that we can do with air or do anywhere?



What can you do if you feel nervous talking to new people.

Think positive thoughts, take deep breaths. 


What do you do if your friend comes to you crying?

Ask them what happened and how you could help.


You didn't do your homework. Your teacher asked why you didn't do your homework. What should you do?

Explain to the teachers why you did not do it.


While you were walking in the hall, a girl tripped you and started laughing. How does that make you feel?

Hurt, Sad, and Mad


Why do we use coping skills?

To help us handle feelings we have


When you feel lonely what can you do?

Play or talk to a friend, sibling, or parent. 


Your sibling is playing with your favorite toy without your permission. How do you feel? What should you do?

Take deep breaths, squeeze another toy etc. 

Walk away, tell parent, ask sibling if you can have your toy back etc.


While you were walking in the hall, a girl tripped you and started laughing. What would you do about it?

Talk to a teacher and tell them what happen.