Social Skills
What can you do?

Your friends are whispering together about something. When you come over, they stop talking? 

How do you feel?

upset, sad, mad, angry...etc 


What can you do if your friend is mad at you for something you did to them?

Apologize, say sorry


What can you do if you are mad at your teacher?

Take a break, take deep breaths, positive self talk, etc.


Demonstrate how you would introduce yourself to a new peer?

Hi my name is ____, what is your name?


Someone asks you if they can copy your homework. What can you do?

You can explain you won't let them copy but you will help them understand the work.


How might you feel if your best friend is talking about the new video game they got and it was the game you really wanted?



Your best friend has a new game that you really like. You ask to see it, and they say no.

What would you do?

Ask the friend why they won't share?

If they don't want to that is okay; you probably have things you don't want others playing with too.


What can you do if you are feeling hyper and having a hard time settling down at school?

Ask to take a sensory break, run around, take deep breaths, do a mindfulness activity, use a fidget, etc.


What would you do if you were nervous about going to a new school?

Find out if you know anyone there, talk to an adult, brave it and remind yourself you can do it, etc.


After basketball practice, you go back to the locker room with your team to shower and change. When you are done dressing, you can't find your shoes. What could you do?

Ask someone if they have seen your shoes


How might you feel if you wanted to go out with friends and your parents said you couldn't go?

Mad, angry, disappointed, sad (all acceptable answers)


What can you do if two people ask you to hang out at the same time?

Some ideas:
1. suggest that the 3 of you hang out together

2. hang out with one and then the other


What can you do if you are feeling jealous of friends?

Talk to them about it and explain how you feel, be grateful for what you have, etc.

What not to do: be mean or try to make them feel bad


Somebody shoves you down at recess and laughs. What SHOULD you do?

Stand up for yourself by telling them that's not okay, talk to the teacher, stay away from them, etc.

You are taking a test and there is no talking allowed. You are writing your answers on paper and your pencil breaks. What could you do?

Raise your hand and ask for a new pencil


You ask your parents if you can go to your friend's house this weekend and your parents say no..

How would you feel?

upset, sad, confused, mad...etc 


The teacher asked you a question in class, but you didn't know the answer. How do you feel? What do you do?

Embarrassed, Confused 

Ask for help


What can you do at home when your parents are nagging you to get your chores done and they won't let you take a break?

Take a deep breath, talk to them calmly and explain your feelings, etc.


While you were walking in the hall, a girl tripped you and started laughing. How does that make you feel, and what would you do about it?

upset, hurt, sad, mad

Talk to a teacher and tell them what happen. 


You didn't do your homework. Your teacher asked why you didn't do your homework. What should you do?

Explain to the teachers why you did not do it.