School life social skills
Home life social skills
Feelings/emotion identification
Active listening skills

How might you introduce yourself to a new person at school?

"Hey, my name is _____. What is your name? It's really nice to meet you!"


A family member walks into your room without knocking. How might you respond?

See what they need and then politely ask them to knock before coming in next time


Josie says, "I feel like you're not listening to me..." How might Josie be feeling?

Sad, frustrated 


What are three examples of GOOD active listening skills? 

Making eye contact, nodding your head, facing the person talking, asking follow up questions related to the topic being discussed, etc.


What has 13 hearts, but no lungs or stomach?

A deck of cards


You and another student accidentally bump shoulders in the hallway during a passing period. How might you respond?

Say sorry, say excuse me, etc. 


Your mom bought you a shirt that you don't like. How might you politely tell her it's not your style? 

"Hey mom, thank you for buying me this shirt, but it's really not my style and I don't think I'll wear it. Are you able to return it?"


Diana say, "I hate this class and don't understand any of the work!". How might Diana be feeling?

Angry, frustrated 


What are three examples of BAD active listening skills?

Changing the subject, not making eye contact, speaking over whoever is talking, etc.


What goes up and never comes down?

Your age


You're completing an assignment in class and are confused on the instructions. How would you ask your teacher for help? 

"Hi Mrs./Mr. ________. I'm a little confused on the directions for this assignment. Can you explain it to me again?"


You're trying to interact with your sibling. How might you engage them in a conversation? 

Ask them about something that THEY are interested in 


Andie says, "I can't wait to go to the beach this weekend!". How might Andie be feeling? 

Excited, happy


Diana is talking about her new puppy. What might be a good question to help further facilitate the conversation?

"What kind of puppy is it?", "How old is he/she?", "Where did you get the puppy?", "When did you get the puppy?", "What is the puppies name?", etc. 


A man shaves many times during the day, but at the end of the day, he still has a beard. How is this possible?

The man is a barber


A student shows you something inappropriate on their computer during class. How would you handle this situation? 

"I don't really want to see that", "you shouldn't be looking at that in class", "please don't show me that", etc.


You want to play video games but your parent says you've spent too much time on electronics already. How might you respond to this situation? 

Ask them to help you come up with some alternatives to screen time!


Jackie says, "I'm really not looking forward to that presentation tomorrow". How might Jackie be feeling?

Nervous, anxious


Jackie is talking to you about how much she loves her new shoes. What might be a good follow up question to ask her?

"Where did you get them?", "Are they comfortable?", etc. 


You are in a dark room with a box of matches. Nearby are three things: a candle, an oil lamp and a log of firewood. Which do you light first?

The match


You're supposed to be completing a group project but no other group member has done their part. What might you do in this situation?

Privately email the teacher to express your concerns, talk to the other group members and ask when they're planning on completing their part, etc.

What could you say to your family if you're upset and you need space to cool down?

"I'm feeling upset and need some time to cool down. Can you please give me some space?"


Lindsey says, "I feel like everybody is ignoring me today". How might Lindsey be feeling?

Lonely, sad


Lindsey is talking to you about something you have little to no interest in. How might you let her know that you are engaged? 

Ask a follow up question, make eye contact with her while she's talking, participate in the conversation, etc.


What is heavy going forward but not going backward?
