Social Skills
Life Skills
Hygiene/social skills
Internet safety
Size of the problem

True or False: If I really need something, it's okay to walk in to the room without knocking on the door.

False. You should always knock on the door before entering a room that is not yours.


When I get to class my computer is dead and I don't have a charger. What are 2 things that I could do?

Ask a classmate if they have a charger, if they don't I can ask the teacher. Next time you can bring your charger to class. 


I just burped loudly in the middle of a silent room. I should say ____.

Excuse me!


I met someone over the internet but I have never met them in person. They ask me for my address, what should I do?

Do NOT give it to them. If they keep bothering you, block them. 

What size is the problem small, medium, or big? You want to go to the movies but your parents said no. 

Small problem, hopefully you can go next time! 


What are some ways we can get to know someone?

- ask about their interests 

- talk about things you both like 

- ask about their family 

- do someone fun with them 


TRUE OR FALSE:  It is ok to look into someone's belongings when they aren't looking.

FALSE. It is never ok to go through someone else's belongings, especially when they aren't looking.


You have to go to the bathroom but your teacher says you need to wait. What should you do?

Wait or talk to the teacher privately and tell them it's an emergency and you will hurry back. 


Before cooking, after using the bathroom, or after touching anything dirty I should ____.

Wash my hands with soap and water


TRUE or FALSE. It is ok to put my phone number on my tiktok. 



Is this an appropriate reaction? You are working on your ceramics project and you accidentally drop it. You blame the teacher and yell at her. 

No. This is a small problem, you can remake your project and it is not fair to blame someone else. 

I don't like what my teacher just said so I rolled my eyes. Is this considered an expected behavior?

No, this is unexpected 


True or False: When someone does not quickly respond to my question, I should repeatedly ask them until they answer

False: You should wait for the person to be ready to answer. Be patient and say "excuse me" before politely asking the question again. 


True or False: At School, it is okay to walk around the building when you're done with your work.

False - there is never a reason to walk around without a purpose.


What do you use to wash your hands?



Someone I don't know friended me on Instagram. After one day of knowing them I share some of my secrets with them. Is this safe or unsafe? why?

Unsafe. We do not know these people. They could be catfishing us, they could use our secrets against us, etc. 


Is this a small, medium or big problem. I don't understand the directions during class but my teacher isn't coming over to me. 

Small problem. What should you do?


What are 2 kinds of non-verbal communication?

- eye contact 

- body language 

- facial expressions 


You visit your friend's house, and they don't come outside to meet you right away.

- Ring the doorbell 

- call them


My teachers are trying to help me figure out what missing assignments I have but I don't feel like working on them and I am mad they keep telling me. What should I do?

You're at school, so you should do your school work! 


I can smell my body odor. What can I do to prevent this?

- Apply body spray or deodorant in the morning before going out.

- Take a shower using soap


What are some safe things to share on your social media?

Picture of your face, your pet, your family 

Interests that you have 

Pictures of you and your friends 


Is this a small, medium or big problem. I fell playing soccer and broke my arm. 

Medium, you are hurt and need to go to the hospital. But it will heal and you will be ok. 


What is a coping skills? Give an example. 

A coping skill is something we use to help ourselves feel better. 

ex - go for a walk, color, take a deep breath, talk to someone about how you're feeling 


Is it ok to say everything that comes to your mind?

No, we don't need to pop all of our thought bubbles to speech bubbles. 


You want to microwave a frozen meal and it is wrapped in aluminum "tin" foil.  What should you do?

What is remove the tin foil before microwaving so you don't cause a fire.


My friend has food on their teeth. I should just ignore it and let them go on with their day.

Depends - You want to be polite and a gentler reminder might suffice!


Someone messages me on TikTok that I don't know asking if I want to meet them at the mall. I want to go to mall. What should I do?

Do not respond to them, I don't know them!


Is this a small, medium or big problem? My teacher asks me to participate in social skills group but I don't feel like it. 



How many credits do you need to graduate from high school?