Is it okay to get in someone's personal space?
No. Getting into someone's space may make them feel uncomfortable.
What can you say to politely get someone's attention?
Excuse me
I just burped loudly in the middle of class. I should say ____.
Excuse me!
If you are upset with a friend it is okay to say something mean.
Is it ok to go through someone's things when they aren't looking?
No. It is never ok to go through someone else's belongings, especially when they aren't looking.
What should you do when you walk through the door and someone is behind you?
Hold the door for them
After using the bathroom, or after touching anything dirty I should ____.
Wash my hands with soap and water
When playing a game, it is okay to throw the game if you lose.
Is it okay to ask the same question over and over?
No. You should think of a different way to ask if the person doesn't understand.
Should you come to school if you have a fever and do not feel well?
No. You don't want to get your friends sick too.
How often should I brush my teeth?
At least 2 times a day.
If you want to do something different than your friend you should try to find something you both want to do.
If my friends are talking about TACOS, is it okay for me to start talking about ROD WAVE?
No. That is an off topic discussion.
If your teacher asks you a question, is shrugging your shoulders a good way to answer?
No. This suggests that you don't care.
I have to cough or sneeze, what should I cough/sneeze into?
My elbow or a napkin/tissue
If someone looks at me, I should respond by asking them "What are you looking at?"
Should you say "hi" to the same person many times throughout your day?
No. Once you have greeted someone, you can smile, or find something else to say like "how are you?"
What can you say if someone is in your personal space bubble.
Politely say I need space, take a step back
My friend has food on their teeth. Should I just ignore it and let them go on with their day?
You want to be polite and let them know in a private way - not yell it out in front of everyone.
One way to keep the conversation going is by asking a question about what the person just said.