Perspective Taking
Problem Solving
Communication Preferences

What does it mean to take someone's perspective?

The ability to understand how situations appear to other people and how the person might be thinking and feeling. "Putting yourself in someone else's shoes"


What tone of voice should you use when advocating for an accommodation or need?

Neutral! If you use a whiny or angry tone of voice, other people are less likely to interpret your request as a need. Put yourself in their shoes!


What does neurodiversity mean?

Neuro- = “Brain”

-Diversity = “Different”

Neurodiversity is the idea that people’s brains work differently from one another


True or False: It's important to think about the outcomes of each option when deciding how to solve a problem



What is one type of communication?

- Writing

- Speech

- Nonverbal (gestures)

- Sign

- Etc.

Why is perspective taking important?

Considering perspectives is important because: 

  • It can help build relationships

  • Helps you avoid miscommunications and misinterpretations

  • Helps understand how another person is thinking and feeling

  • It can improve your ability to resolve conflict


True or False: These are the steps to advocate for your needs- 

  1. Identify the need

  2. Think of 2 or 3 possible solutions

  3. Find a good time to talk to the other person

  4. Calmly and respectfully, explain your need

  5. Kindly offer your solutions to the other person & ask what they think

  6. Decide on a solution that works for both of you



True or False: People with differences in the way their brain processes the world are sometimes referred to as “neurodivergent.” People without them are sometimes referred to as “Neurotypical”



What does the SODAS strategy help do?`

S: Situation

O: Options

D: Disadvantages 

A: Advantages

S: Solution

Solve problems! 


What is "info-dumping?"

Less turn-taking, detailed information on a specific topic


Your friend walked out of the room without saying good bye to you. What are 2 different possible explanations of that behavior?

Some options:

1. They don’t like you, are mad at you, or are annoyed

2. They forgot to say goodbye

3. Their communication preference is that they don't like to greet or say good bye

4. They needed to use the bathroom


True or False: Self-advocacy can only be used to ask for things at work


Self-advocacy can come in many forms- you can advocate for accommodations at work, for your preferences and needs in friendships & relationships with others, and advocate for information/clarification & more


True or False: An accommodation someone might need is to have a 30 minute break every 10 minutes because they're bored with the task at work

False! Accommodations are used to allow someone to get access to and complete assigned tasks. This is not a need, it is a want


You're working on a task with a group and someone disagrees with your idea. What can you do/say?

Calm, neutral tone

Explain your side

Listen to their ideas and take their perspective

Come up with a compromise


True or False: It's okay to tell your friends, peers, coworkers, and supervisors about your communication style and preferences

True! Sometimes, neurodivergent people have different communication styles than neurotypical or other neurodivergent people. Telling others about yours will help prevent miscommunication or misinterpretations of your intentions


My friend hasn’t called me in a few days. What are 2 possible explanations for this behavior?

Some options:

1. They are mad at me

2. Their phone broke

3. They are busy

4. Their communication preference is to text instead of call


Which of the following is a sensory need:

1. I get really uncomfortable and can't focus on my work if there's a lot of noise

2. I think pink is a pretty color and I want where I work to be pink

3. I like the taste of cake and I want school and work to provide me with cake

1. I get really uncomfortable and can't focus on my work if there's a lot of noise


What is a positive characteristic that could come with autism?

There are so many! A few include: 

  • Highly logical

  • Good at remembering facts

  • Attentive to details

  • Good at recognizing patterns


When is it appropriate to "agree to disagree?"

When the situation is not safe


What are some ways to add to the conversation when others are chatting about topics that you might not be interested in?

  • Use own background knowledge to add comments

  • Using what you know in your “people files” on people involved


True or False: The 3 steps for "Perspective Checking" are-

1. Describe what you see

2. Interpret what you saw

3. Clarify with the other person

True! These are the steps you can take to try and understand what someone else's perspective might be


Scenario: You really don't like texting, you prefer to talk in person. Your friend keeps telling you to text them all the time, and gets mad at you when you don't reply. What can you do/say to your friend to advocate for your preferences and suggest a way to solve the problem? 

An example of what you could say:

"I really don't like texting, I like to talk in person. Maybe I can text you once a day and we can spend more time in person" 


What is one executive functioning skill? 

Executive function refers to mental processes (executive functioning skills) that help you set and carry out goals. You use these skills to solve problems, make plans and manage emotions.

1. Impulse control

2. Emotional control

3. Flexible thinking

4. Working memory

5. Self-monitoring

6. Planning and prioritizing

7. Task initiation

8. Organization


You have an important job interview tomorrow and you realize the shirt you are going to wear is all wrinkled and you don’t have an iron. What are 2 options to solving this problem? 


- go to the laundromat/dry cleaner

- ask a friend/relative for an iron

- put in the wash

- ask someone for different shirt


Sometimes it's hard for me to tell when someone is laughing because they think something is funny or if they are feeling confused or uncomfortable. What can I do or say if this happens?

Ask them!