Welcome to SSG
Social Filter
Flexible thinking
Time and Place
Reading others

Tell the group your favorite part of social skills group

Any answer is correct


What is the name of the guy who has no filter from our lesson?

Filter-less Frank


What is the name of the girl who had a hard time being flexible from our lesson?

Inflexible Izzie


What is the name of the guy who had a hard time know when the right time and place was?

Wrong time Will


What is the name of the person who has a hard time reading others?

Accidentally annoying Andy


Explain what a “social high” or “social low” is

A social high is a good/best social interaction you had for the day/week.

A social low is a bad/worst social interaction you had for the day/week 


What is a filter?

A filter stops some things from getting through (like in a water filter or pool filter). A social filter is when we filter out thoughts that are rude/embarrassing/negative.


What does it mean to have flexible thinking?

Being flexible means being okay when things dont go your way or go as expected. “Go with the flow”!

True or false?

Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time or place can affect your reputation



Do you think people usually mean to be annoying to others, or is it accidental?

Usually it’s accidental! Kids don’t usually mean to annoy other kids, that just don't know they are doing it!

What are social skills?

Social skills are the way we talk and act with other people


”Your class is so boring”

Should we keep it in our brain or say it out loud?

Keep it in your brain


“Other people might have good ideas, too”

Flexible or inflexible thought?

Flexible thought 

When and where is this okay to do? 

Wrestling or horse playing (or putting your hands on people).

At home with a sibling, or close friend. 

Not okay at school, in stores etc. 


Should I stop or keep going?

Looking at you and facing you with their body

Keep going!


What is a compliment or encouragement? 

A compliment/encouragement is when you speak kind and helpful words to others. 


“I feel frustrated when you interrupt me. Please let me finish”.

Keep it in our brain or say it out loud?

Say it out loud


“People never do what I want them to”

Flexible or inflexible thought?



When and where is this okay to do?

Picking your nose

This is okay when you are in private like in the bathroom or bedroom. Not okay to do in front of other people or in public spaces.


Stop or keep going?

Ihonoring you when you’re talking



Name all five of our group rules.

Raise your hand 

Stay in the group

Keep answers on topic

Don’t cross talk

Be kind


Name two “rules” we should follow when using a social filter

Is it helpful?

Is it necessary?

Is it kind?

Is there a better way?


Name two rules we can follow to help us be flexible 

Take a deep breath

Ask For help

Choose to let it go

Tell yourself “no big deal”


Name two rules we should follow when thinking about time and place

Public vs. Private

Different rules

Is is the right time?


Name two rules we should follow when reading people

Look at their face

Notice how they respond

Look at their body language

Think about their tone of voice