Tone Of Voice
Read The Room
Think it or Say it?

What is sarcasm?

When someone says something that is clearly the opposite of what they mean. 


Name two things that change in someone's tone of voice when they are angry.

Volume goes up

Tone gets flat

Pitch gets lower


How can I tell that people are listening to me?

Eyes are on me

Facial expressions are changing

Eyebrows are raising

People are commenting on my topic of conversaion


What should I do before I try to tell someone a joke? 

Think about it

Ask myself, "Is this offensive?"

Ask myself, "Will they get it?"


What are three things to remember when introducing yourself at an interview?

Firm handshake

Say your full name

Stand up straight

Look them in the eye


Sarcasm? Yes or No

Two men walk into an empty football stadium. One man says to the other, "Man, I hope we can find a seat."



Name two things that change in someone's tone of voice when they are excited

Volume goes up

Pitch gets higher


How can I tell when someone is not interested in what I am saying?

The keep glancing away

They are not commenting or asking further questions

They keep saying, "uh huh"

They are looking at their phone


Think it or say it?

My partner in class is going on and on about this movie he saw over break. I finally say, "Wow you are really annoying today."

Think it


A new member joined social skills group. How would you introduce yourself?

Hey, I'm ____.

Whatsup? Are you in group now? I'm ____

Hey, what's your name? I'm ____


What are two clues to listen for when trying to understand sarcasm?

1. Overly positive language

2. Listen for elongated words (well excussse me!)

3. Listen for a flat tone of voice


Say this sentence in an excited tone of voice:

"We're getting a puppy over the summer."



I walk into video gamers club. What are three topics that are appropriate to talk about? 

Video Games


Game systems


Think it or say it?

My classmate told me that it looked like I brushed my hair with a firecracker. I say, "Whatever. You look like an idiot." 

Think it

Name three people you would formally introduce yourself to. 


Potential employer

New coach


Make a sarcastic remark for this situation:

Your friend missed the bus to school and you said, "..."

"Way to be on time"

"You're really taking school seriously these days"


Say this sentence in an annoyed tone of voice.

"I won't be late for dinner." 



I am in social skills group with my two teachers and peers. What are three topics I should not talk about and why?

Bodily functions

Badmouthing teachers

A party that happened over the weekend

Because these are topics I can share with close friends, not teachers. 


Think it or say it?

My parents want to take me to a sushi dinner for my birthday, but I don't really like sushi. I say, "Sushi is kind of gross."

Say it


What is small talk?

What are three things you can ask during small talk?

A brief conversation you have with someone to catch up or when talking with someone new.

How is your day going?

Did you have a good holiday?

Looking forward to the weekend?


Make a sarcastic remark for this situation:

Your friend dropped his lunch tray in line and you say, "..."

"You've got nice hands. Are you going out for the football team?"

"Wow, that wasn't embarrassing."



Say this sentence in a shocked tone of voice:

"You got an A in math."



My friends are studying hard in the library, but I want to talk to them about my weekend plans. What should I do to show that I have read the room properly?  

Wait to tell them my story until the bell rings. Sit and study with them and try to be as quiet as I can. If they start talking, maybe I will get my chance to tell them about my weekend. 


5 of my friends want pizza, but I want taco bell. What can I say? What might I think?

Say: "Pizza is fine"

Think: "Ugh I don't want pizza"


You received a text from a friend. What can you say in response? 

Friend: I just saw Aquaman. Have you seen it yet?

You: Yea it was awesome

Friend: Uhh you must have slept through the movie


Did we watch the same movie?

Agree to disagree

You have to admit, the graphics were awesome though