Anger Management
Identifying and Expressing Feelings
Self-Control/Problem Solving/Consequences

Name a characteristic of a good friend

Caring, good listener, patient, friendly, makes you laugh, things in common


Name an anger management technique

Deep breathing, count to 10, squeeze a stress ball, go for a walk/exercise, take a time-out, talk to a friend


Name a common emotion that you experience

Sadness, happiness, fear, anger, love


What can you do if you're being bullied?

Tell a teacher, parent or trusted adult

Ignore the bully and walk away - don't engage

Avoid areas around the neighborhood or school where bullying can happen

Be assertive and tell them to stop


What is the best way to handle a problem?

Ask others to help or assist you

Take responsibility for the situation

Using problem solving techniques 

Think of all the possible outcomes

Distance yourself from the source of the problem


How can you be a good friend to someone?

Be honest, be a good listener, be respectful, be funny, be kind

Name something that happens in your body when you feel angry

Cheeks turn red, sweating, clench fists, fast heartbeat, tightness in chest, tense muscles


Name a common emotion that you experience

Sadness, happiness, fear, anger, love


Name the different types of bullying

Verbal, physical, cyber


Name a self-control strategy

Take a deep breath, walk away, use a coping skill such as listening to music, going for a walk, reading a book, ask a parent for help


Name a characteristic of a good friend

Caring, good listener, patient, friendly, makes you laugh, things in common


Name an anger management technique

Deep breathing, count to 10, squeeze a stress ball, go for a walk/exercise, take a time-out, talk to a friend


What is the best way to express your feelings to someone?

Using an I statement:  I feel ______ when you ______.


Besides being the one being bullied, or the one doing the bullying, what is another way to be involved in a situation of bullying and why is it negative?

Being a bystander - not asking an adult for help, not standing up to the bully, not supporting the person who's being bullied


What is an example of a consequence?

Not doing your homework and getting in trouble with you teacher, talking back to parents and getting something taken away, acting out in class and getting detention


How can you be a good friend to someone?

Be honest, be a good listener, be respectful, be funny, be kind


Name something that happens in your body when you feel angry

Cheeks get flushed, clench fists, fast heartbeat, tightness in chest, tense muscles


Give an example of an I statement

I feel "__________" when "___________"


Who can you ask for help if you're being bullied?

A teacher, a school counselor, a parent, a friend


Name a self-control strategy

Take a deep breath, walk away, use a coping skill such as listening to music, going for a walk, reading a book, ask a parent for help


How can you be a good friend to someone?

Be honest, be a good listener, be respectful, be funny, be kind


Name an anger trigger

A school subject, a person you do not like, being hungry or thirsty, specific noises or locations that are frustrating, not getting something you want


Give an example of an I Statement

I feel "__________" when "___________"


What can you do if you're being bullied?

Be assertive and tell them to stop

Tell a teacher, parent or trusted adult

Ignore the bully and walk away - don't engage

Avoid areas around the neighborhood or school where bullying can happen


What is an example of a consequence?

If you refuse to put on a coat, you feel cold. If you don't eat, you feel hungry. If you don't do your homework, you fail the assignment.