Staff Support
Coping Skills
Social Skills

Who is the School Counselor at Blow Pierce?

Ms. Best


What are coping skills?

Strategies or methods that you use to help you deal with strong emotions.


How can you try to make new friends at school?

Talk to friends at break, lunch, join clubs or sports, meet new students during group projects in your classes


What are some emotions you may feel before starting a new school?

Anxiety, nervous, scared, excited, happy, and sad.


Who is the middle school Academy Director?

Mr. Gregory


What kind of coping skills do you use when you are angry and in school or another public place?

Counting, taking deep breaths, take a walk, talk to a friend, talk to counselor/social worker, get a drink of water, etc.


You meet new friends and want to hang out with them but they want to engage in inappropriate things that you know you shouldn't do.

Decline the offer this time, don't give in to peer pressure


What are some actions/ways to show people kindness and make others feel seen?

Ask about someone's day, give a compliment, be helpful, being an active listener, show compassion


Who is the Social Worker at Blow Pierce?

Ms. Callahan


What kind of coping skills do you use if you are too excited or anxious?

Take deep breaths, think of a neutral tone of voice, squeeze hands or use fidget toy, stretch, imagery


What are benefits of having good social skills?

You can communicate better, make more friends, get the help you need, have healthy relationships


What is an example of a situation that could cause a student to feel big emotions that are difficult to cope with?

Answers vary. Some examples might include big test coming up; death of pet or loved one; fight with a friend, issues at home


Who is the Principal of Blow Pierce?

Mr. Spears


You ask a teacher if you can play a game on your chromebook and they say no, what do you do?

Accept that they told you no.


Give an example of poor social skills

Lots of examples!


What does compromise mean?

Work out a solution to make everyone happy.


Who should you speak to about difficult emotions, thoughts of self-harm, or unsafe behaviors?

Academy Director, Counselor, Social Worker, Teachers


Someone keeps poking you in the shoulder with a pencil during class, what should you do?

Set a boundary by asking the person to stop, if they don't stop, tell the teacher or ask to move your seat


What are some ways to start a conversation with a new friend in class that you don't know very well?

Say hi, introduce yourself, ask them about their weekend, their day, or hobbies - find a mutual interest


What are some other terms that may be used when talking about teasing?

Mocking, bullying, being mean, being messy