Rules and Manners
Perspective Taking
Body Language, Gestures, Facial Expressions

Your aunt gives you socks or your birthday. What do you say?

Thank you!


Your friend is telling you all about the vacation they just came back from. While they are telling the story, you roll your eyes and start playing a game on your phone. What do you think your friend is thinking right now?

"They don't care about my story"


How does the boy feel?



You are meeting one of your parent's friends and they hold out their hand. What do you do?

Shake it and say it is nice to meet you


You are talking to your friend Chelsea about her birthday party this weekend and how excited you are! Your friend Billy who is sitting next to you doesn't know about the party and wasn't invited. What do you think Billy is thinking about?

"Why wasn't I invited to the party?"


How does the girl feel? 

Confused/Frustrated with her homework


You are completing a worksheet in class but someone sitting behind you keeps kicking your chair. You ask them nicely to stop, but they keep kicking your chair. What do you do?

Talk to the teacher


Dan was studying for his science test. Abby started humming very loudly next to him. What may Dan be thinking to himself? 

"I wish she would be quiet or hum somewhere else!"


How does the girl feel?


Your brother borrowed your favorite toy without asking and accidentally broke it. What do you do?

Tell them politely how that made you upset and that they should ask for your permission first next time.


Jack and Jill are listening to some music. Jill is singing one of her favorite songs but Jack keeps interrupting her and asking a lot of questions. What do you think Jill is thinking?

"I wish Jack would stop asking questions, I want to sing my song!"


How does she feel?



You are at a friend's birthday party and the music is loud. You notice an elderly neighbor looking uncomfortable from the noise coming from the party. What do you do?

Ask your friend to turn the music down.


You and your friend Timmy are running outside at recess. Timmy's shoelaces come untied and you see him trip and fall. Everyone in your class staring and laughing at Timmy. What do you think Timmy is thinking?

"I'm so embarrassed that I tripped and fell"


How does he feel?
