Problem Solving
Coping Skills
Middle School Skills
Social Skills

A classmate keeps whispering to you as the teacher is talking, what do you do?

quietly tell the person that you are trying to listen to the teacher and ask them to stop, if they don't you can tell the teacher.


What are coping skills?

What are strategies or methods that you use to help you overcome strong emotions.


What kind of device do you use when you are learning remotely?

What is a chromebook or a ipad.


How can you try to make new friends at the middle school?

What is do group projects in your classes, talking to friends at lunch and in phys. ed.


What are some emotions you may feel before starting a new school?

What is anxiety, nervous, scared, excited, happy, and sad.


During middle school you may finish an assignment early and have to wait for others, what can you do that is appropriate?

Work on other homework, read a book, ask the teacher if you need to makeup any work.


What kind of coping skills do you use when you are angry when you are in school or another public place?

What is counting, taking deep breaths, take a walk, talk to an adult.


If you have a thought that you want to say out loud but it is not an appropriate time to blurt, what should you do? 

Do not say that thing out loud. Laugh to yourself. Or write down the question. Then go back to listening to the person talking or focus on the assignment you are supposed to be working on. 


You meet new friends and want to hang out with them but they want to go see a horror movie and you can't sleep after watching scary movies, what do you do?

Decline the offer this time but tell them you want to do another activity sometime.


WHat are some kind actions to do to show people kindness?

share, talk to them, listen to them, don't say mean things


You ride the bus and when you get on the only seat left is next to a girl that always picks her nose and eats it, and kids say she smells bad. Now kids are picking on you for sitting with her, what do you do?

You can ignore them, make friends with the girl and help her make other friends.


What kind of coping skills do you use if you are too excited?

What is taking deep breaths, think of a neutral tone of voice, squeeze hands, stretch.


You find out you are having a surprise assignment in your hardest class, you haven't studied, what can you do?

Ask the teacher to read the test to you, take your time, read all of the questions, and double check your answers.


What are benefits of having good social skills?

You can communicate better, make more friends, get the help you need.


What does MYOB mean? Why is this an important skill to use here?

Mind your own business!


You sit next to a kid that you have caught stealing erasers out of your locker and tries to copy your work, the teacher never catches them though, what do you do?

Tell the teacher or talk to the student.


You ask a teacher if you can play a game on your chromebook and they say no, what do you do?

Accept that they have told you no.


The work is really hard this year, especially reading, you get frustrated because you don't understand it, what do you do?

Ask for help from a teacher or peer


Give an example of poor social skills

Interrupting someone, being rude or mean to someone, not listening, etc. 


What does compromise mean?

Work out a solution to make everyone happy.


Someone is throwing paper towels at you in the bathroom, what do you do?

Tell them to STOP! Or tell a teacher.


Someone keeps poking you in the shoulder with a pencil during class, what should you do?

What is tell the teacher, politely ask the person to stop, or ask to move your seat.


A student talks out of turn and yells out answers to questions without raising his hand, he is often loud and makes noises. He is often disruptive and disrespectful, what do you do?

Try your best to ignore him, or ask him if he needs help in a kind neutral tone voice.


Many people travel for the summer, sometimes you travel to family and friends houses, how can you behave to make your parents proud?

What is follow directions, play nice with other kids, be respectful towards adults.


What is a phrase you can say to someone that wants to know your business but it is none of their business? 

What is "Nunya."