How many senses are there?
Offer encouragement to a peer.
Examples: "You are so polite to others" "You work hard, even when the work is difficult"
What does it mean to be MINDFUL?
Being mindful means being aware of what is going on in the present, not being focused on the past or the future.
FALSE! Conversations should be sharing information and getting to know each other.
Name one group expectation.
Be respectful, follow directions, stay in circle, use a conversational volume, stay on topic, use kind and positive language, one person speaks at a time, SSL, raised hand by group leader, find a coping skill before group, take space when asked or needed, ROAR!
Name the senses.
What are the 3 criteria for bullying?
1. Unwanted aggression
2. Repeated
3. Power imbalance
Why is the bell activity an example of being mindful?
Because we are focused on ONE THING in that one moment - the sound of the bell
How do we show we are LISTENING?
Eyes are focused on the person speaking
Body is still
Mouth is quiet
Ears are ready to hear
Brain is thinking about what is being said
When is something a coping skill and when is something a distraction?
When it helps you manage your emotions, it is a coping skill. When it takes your focus away from what you are supposed to do, it is a distraction.
Give a describing word for SOUND
Examples: LOUD, soft, quiet, deafening, shrill
What is the difference between BULLYING and PEER PRESSURE?
Bullying is repeated and is always a negative action.
Peer pressure does not have to be repeated and can sometimes be positive.
What are the 3 states of mind?
TRUE or FALSE: You should be thinking about how to respond when someone is speaking.
FALSE! You should be thinking about what the other person is saying.
Spell Mrs. C's last name
Give an example of describing words for TOUCH.
Sympathy is feeling bad for someone.
What is WISE mind?
Wise mind is the balance between EMOTIONAL mind and REASONABLE mind - where we are aware of our emotions and able to think about what needs to be done.
Give one example of positive self-talk.
"If I keep working on it, I'll get better" "I can do this"
Use your senses to describe THE MYSTERY ITEM (sight and taste go last)!!!
How do our senses help us be MINDFUL?
By paying attention to our senses, we notice how we feel in the moment.
What is EMPATHY?
Empathy is recognizing the emotion someone is feeling or placing yourself in their shoes to understand their experience.
What is the difference between a GROWTH mindset and a FIXED mindset?
GROWTH mindset allows for us to change and improve. FIXED mindset keeps us stuck and doesn't accept that we can change or improve. Ex. I can't do this vs. I am still learning.
What is the difference between self-talk and encouragement?
Self-talk are the things we tell ourselves while encouragement is support we offer to others.
Name all group members (including teachers) WITHOUT ASKING THEM!
Members of the Steelers, Hocus Pocus, and Gucci Warriors