Why is it important to be mentally and physically ready to work?
So that you perform your job expectations.
So that others have a positive perspective of you.
True or False:
Tell the potential employer that you aren't really interested in the job but you really like the computers the company uses to do work on
What is:
Name one meal time activity you could plan for a hang out or get together
What is:
Food carts
Food trucks
Dinner parties
Drinks parties
Ice cream shops
Frozen yogurt
Order pizza
Food delivery
Order takeout
Cook a meal
Cook a meal
Cooking classes
Choose a powerword and tell us an example of when to use it:
Thank you
You're welcome
Excuse me
Yes, please
No, thank you
I'm sorry
Why are social skills important?
What is:
Because they help other's have a positive perspective of us.
This can lead to a good job and good relationships.
These things will lead us to feel positive.
Tell us about your dream job. Make sure to include ONE TASK that you think you will need to accomplish in that job.
Which of the following is NOT appropriate for interviews:
Be polite, be specific
Be on time or EARLY
Tell the interviewer about a difficult situation that happened earlier in the week
Dress for the type of job – don’t overdo it, don’t look too casual
What is:
Tell the interviewer about a difficult situation that happened earlier in the week
Pretend you planned to go to the zoo. You wake up and it is raining. What do you do?
What do you not do?
Call or text the person.
Figure out a different plan.
Go to the zoo.
Forget to contact your friend.
Tell us at least one thing you will continue to work on after social skills class ends next week
Tell us TWO of your social strengths
Answer 3 of these questions:
How should you great the interviewer?
Hand shake and say "hello/hi, it's nice to meet you"
Why is it important to push yourself to connect with your peers?
To form relationships.
To create positive experiences.
Give us an example of a time you may have been rude in a situation. Reflect on it and tell us how you would change how you handled it.
Explain what a perspective is
What is:
Someone's thoughts and feelings about someone or something
Tell us one way to be a good employee
1. Strong work ethic: Setting and achieving goals
2. Dependable: Consistently following through:
3. Positive attitude: Creating a good environment:
4. Self-motivated: Working effectively with little direction:
5. Team-oriented: Making the most out of collaboration:
6. Effective communicator: Understanding the benefits of clarity:
7. Flexible: Adapting in a meaningful way:
Explain this chart to us:
Tell us one important rules for during a hang out or get-together
Get togethers should be activity based
The guests get to pick the activities at your home
Go with the flow
Don’t invite other people into your get-together unexpectedly
Don’t ignore your friends
Don’t tease your friends
Stick up for your friends
Don’t argue with your friends
Don’t police your friends
Be a good sport
Suggest a change if you get bored
Trade information at least 50% of the time
Keep it short and sweet to start
Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0xgjUhEG3U
Tell us your "algorithm for making friends"
Tell us TWO rules of eating around others
What are:
Always chew with your mouth closed.
Finishing swallowing before taking another bite.
Use a napkin.
Do not eat someone’s food without asking.
Do not blow your nose at the table. Excuse yourself and go to the bathroom to blow your nose.
Keep food in your mouth at all times. Avoid taking bites of food and spitting it back onto the plate, even if you do not like it.
Burping out loud is not appropriate when you eat. This may gross out other people, and they may not want to sit by you next time.
You are going on a job interview.
You are going on a job interview.
Name the 5 "Wh"'s to answer when planning a hang out or get together
What is:
Tell us your FAVORITE part of coming to Social Skills!
Tell us what the most important thing you have learned!
Share your self-perspective.
Shake your perspective of at least 2 other participants in this room. (Remember, we will have a certain perspective about you based on how you share this information)