STEPS to a Good Conversation
Voice Volume
Basic Emotions
Dealing with Anger and Dealing with Change
What is the job of your eyes when listening?
Looking at the person who is talking.
What does the first S in STEPS stand for?
Space. Personal space. Bonus points: How far should you stand away from someone to have a conversation? (What distance?)
What is volume 1 like? (hint: it's the very quietest thing you do with your voice)
No Talking. Bonus points: When should we use our Volume 1 voice?
What is another word for happy?
Glad. Joyful. Pleased. Delighted. Content. Bonus points: Someone in the group make a happy face.
Describe what might happen to a person's face when they're angry.
Turn red. Clench jaw. Eyebrows go down. Frown. Bonus points: Someone in the group make an angry face.
What is the job of your brain when listening?
Thinking about what the person is saying.
What does the T stand for in the STEPS to have a good conversation?
Taking Turns.
What is volume 2 voice like? (Hint: you would use Volume 2 voice in a library)
What is another word for sad?
Unhappy. Blue. Depressed. Bummed out. Bonus points: Describe a situation that would be sad or make you sad.
Name at least 2 inappropriate reactions to being angry.
Shouting. Hitting or kicking. Using swear words. Biting. Pulling someone's hair. Throwing things.
What is the job of your mouth when listening?
Quiet. No talking. Mouth closed.
What does the E stand for in the STEPS to a good conversation?
Eye contact. Looking at the person with your eyes.
What does Volume 3 voice sound like?
Regular voice in conversation. Normal talking voice.
What's another word for angry?
Ticked off. Mad. Furious. Fuming. Annoyed.
Name at least 2 ways to calm down when you're angry.
Take some slow, deep breaths. Listen to music. Color or draw. Take a walk. Chew some gum. Talk to someone. Ask a loved one for a hug.
What is the job of your heart when listening?
Having feelings about what the person is talking about.
What does the P stand for in the STEPS to have a good conversation?
Polite. Being polite. Bonus points: What can you do to be polite in a conversation?
What does Volume 4 voice sound like? (Hint: you would use it if you're outside)
Outside voice. Talking loudly. Sometimes shouting if you're outside playing a game.
What's another word for scared?
Frightened. Terrified. Fearful. Petrified. Bonus points: What would be a scary situation?
Name some examples of when change can be difficult.
When your teacher gives you a surprise test. You break a bone. Your best friend moves away. A natural disaster (earthquake, hurricane, tornado). A pet dies.
What is the job of your hands and feet when listening?
Keep still. No fidgeting. Quiet hands and feet.
What is the final S in the STEPS to having a good conversation?
Staying on topic.
What is the Volume 5 voice? (Hint: you would use it in an emergency)
Screaming. Bonus Points: Give an example of an emergency that would make it okay to use a Volume 5 voice.
What is another word for disgusted?
Grossed out. Revolted. Appalled. Bonus points: Someone in the group make a disgusted face.
Name some examples of changes that happen in everyday life.
When you wake up (change from sleep to awake). When you have a substitute teacher. When you have a birthday. When you get a haircut. When you learn something new. When the bell rings. When you get some new clothes.