What is a first impression?
How you present yourself the first time meeting somebody (ex. smiling, pleasant tone, eye contact)
What are examples of emotions?
anger, sadness, happiness, anxiety etc.
What is low self esteem?
you feel bad about yourself and put little value on your opinions and ideas.
What is Self advocacy?
you speak up for yourself about the things that are important to you.
What is problem solving?
the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem; identifying, prioritizing and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing a solution.
What is a good active listener?
Facing the person speaking, not interrupting, keeps hand to yourself and body still
What are examples of happy triggers?
Watching your favourite tv show, Listening to your favourite music, Playing your favourite sport or game
What is healthy self esteem?
you feel good about yourself and see yourself deserving respect from others.
What is self advocating in school?
Voice your concern if you do not like how another student is treating you
What is being a good leader?
Communication/listening, Interpersonal/collaboration skills, Decision-making/ problem-solving skills, Empathy, Assertiveness, Good role models
What is non-verbal communication?
Facial expressions, Body language, Hand gestures, Eye contact, Posture (how you are sitting or standing)
What is emotional regulation?
a person’s ability to successfully handle and react to an emotional experience and/or situation.
What is positive talk?
Steer clear of negative words, Avoid forceful words, Keep online communication positive, Always be kind, Keep your body language positive
What is an example of self advocating?
Believe in yourself and what you deserve, Know what you are allowed to do, Make sure you know what you want, Have outside support if you need it, Be assertive
Bad ways to problem solve
Blaming, hitting, making excuses, name calling
What is an appropriate and good way to start a conversation with someone you don't know?
Introduce yourself, say hello, compliment them, ask them a question
What are techniques to regulate your emotions?
Deep Breathing, Counting Backwards from 10 (if you are really angry, count from 100), Use calming statements (I can get through this! I got this!), Meditating or lie down and relax, Yoga, doing something that makes you happy
What is positive thinking?
Focus on the good things, no matter how small.
Give them examples on what to say, help them approach someone, have them watch you do it
What is fair play?
learning the rules of the game and putting them into practice – whether they’re special family rules for cards or board games, or the rules at Saturday football. This way, everyone gets to enjoy the experience.
What are qualities of a good friend?
Treat you well, don't talk behind your back, include you, you trust them etc.
How should you NOT react in angry or tense situations?
getting violent, yelling, swearing, name calling, teasing
How can you work on boosting your self esteem?
Practice positive self talk, do things you love, understand you are amazing they way you are, surround yourself with positive people, people who lift you up
How does self - advocating help you? (why is it good?)
Teaches you how to be independent, Teaches you how to use your own voice, Shows you how to become more confident in your voice, Shows you strength to know what you need and want
5 steps to problem solving?
1) how do you feel 2) what is the problem? 3) come up with solutions 4) what would happen with these solutions? 5) try the solutions