Social Skills
Hygiene/Social Skills
Health/Social Skills
Safety/Social Skills
Social Media Skills

True or False: When someone does not quickly respond to my question, I should repeatedly ask them until they answer

False: Try to only ask once or twice if it's not an emergency. Repeating the question is not polite and can frustrate the person


I just burped loudly at a table with other members. I should say_____

excuse me!


True or False: It's okay to drink soda with every meal. as long as I don't eat as much that day

False: Try to avoid drinking soda with more than one meal it has a lot of sugar in it!


What should you always do before crossing the street? 

look both ways


I have a new friend and I want to meet up with them later for lunch. Should I A. text them once and wait for a response or B. Text them every five minutes until they answer

A. just one text will do. They may be on the way if they don't respond right away


True or false: When I'm planning to meet up with a friend on the weekend I should text them first to confirm the meet up spot

True! You don't want to just show up at the location and expect to find them, it could cause confusion


Before cooking, after using the bathroom, or after touching anything I should_______

wash my hands


Name an activity you could do with friends/family that would give you exercise

taking a walk with them, a hike, a bike ride etc. 


I like my friend a lot but I am not comfortable with what he is asking me to do. It might sound dangerous. Should I A. do it anyway or B. tell them it's uncomfortable and walk away

B. tell them you are uncomfortable and walk away


You are talking to someone from a dating app that lives in another state. They ask for some personal information from you. You are worried that if you don't send it they will stop talking to you. What should you do? 

Never send personal information or private information to someone else. Especially if you haven't met them face to face


If someone is bothering you by sitting too close and you need some space what would you say? 

Politely explain you need to move to another table/take a minute to take some space for yourself 


True or False: It's okay to not use deodorant for 2 to 3 days 

False! we should be using deodorant every day


Name a distraction that might prevent you from getting enough sleep

phone, TV, games, scrolling, scrolling, scrolling


All of my friends are not following the rules. They're being loud and disruptive during group. How can I react to this situation? 

Ask them politely to quiet down and remind them there is a group happening 


How much time should I spend on my phone or device? Watching youtube, netflix, a day? A: 18 hours a day B: 2 hours a day

B: 2-3 hours. It is not healthy to spend that long on your devices 


If someone is clearly frustrated and overwhelmed and is taking a long time to respond to my questions this is how I should react: 

Give them some space. They may be anxious/overwhelmed and just might need to take a minute to cool down


I'm about to go in the car for a long car ride. What should I remember to do before leaving? 

use the bathroom


I should exercise A. Once a month B. 2-3 times a week

C. Every hour

B. 2-3 times a week if possible


I met this stranger when I was by myself and they asked me to get in the car with them because they said they knew my parents. I should....

Say "no thanks" and walk away immediately or find another adult or friend


This person wants my address, my moms credit card number, and the password to my social media accounts. Should I give them this information? 

No! Don't share personal information


If we are playing a board game and I win every game, what is one inappropriate way to react and what is one appropriate way to act?

1) act like a poor sport (any example of that)

2)tell everyone good game, shake their hand/high five


My breath is starting to stink. I can feel food stuck in my teeth. I should go _______

To the bathroom and brush your teeth/floss


If you are struggling with your mental health what are some things you can do to help yourself

ask for a therapist, talk to family/friends, incorporate more relaxation into your daily life


You've been losing every game of UNO today. You're starting to get really upset. How can you still be a good sport, even though you lost?

Positive interactions, such as saying "good game", keeping a positive attitude, walking away from the situation


What do we do when we aren't sure if an online story is real? 

google it, ask more credible sources