Dealing with Conflict
Positive Thinking
Thinking Errors
It is cooperating and finding a solution to a problem that works for everyone involved in the conflict.
Positive (kind, happy, supportive) mental statements A mental attitude where you expect good and favorable results
What are thinking errors?
Irrational patterns of thinking Negative thoughts about ourselves and our relationships with others
A point of view A particular attitude toward the way we see a situation
Is bullying EVER ok?
True or False? Compromising means you get EVERYTHING you want.
FALSE! Compromise does NOT mean you get everything you want, but both people get some of the things they want.
Why is positive thinking IMPORTANT?
It improves our mood and makes us feel more confident
How do we change our thinking errors?
Be aware! If you know what they are, you know what to look for. Challenge our negative thoughts!
Name one way you can try to look at a situation from someone else's perspective.
Try to think of how you would feel Have there been any thinking errors or miscommunications? Is there evidence or facts that support one point of view?
What is bullying? *BONUS: If you can give an example of each criteria, your team gets an extra 100 points!
Unwanted aggressive behavior *BONUS: ex. name calling, pushing, hitting Power imbalance *BONUS: Different ages, physical size, thinking/cognitive ability, popularity, etc Repeated behavior/actions *BONUS: ex. Happens every day at lunch
Tom and his friend Brian were going to go play at the park. Tom wanted to go play football. Brian wanted to play baseball. Use all the steps to show how they can RESOLVE THEIR CONFLICT and COMPROMISE.
1. Identify the problem: They want to play different games. 2. Look past the fight: No thinking errors. Both like different activities. 3. Identify possible solutions: Choosing a completely different sport, playing one game for an hour then the other game for an hour, etc. 4. Talk to the other person about the options. 5. Pick the solution you both like. Tom and Brian decided to...
What is SELF-TALK?
Things people tell themselves. For example, "I can do it!" or "I'll figure it out" or "I am a good person."
Name two common thinking errors. *BONUS: Get an extra 100 points if you can give an example of each!
Black and White thinking, Unreal Deal, Filtering, Personalizing, Mind Reading, Overgeneralizing, Exaggerating, Fact vs. Feeling, Labeling, Can't Stand Its.
Joe was sitting at lunch with Anthony. Joe made a joke about Anthony’s t-shirt, which had a cartoon character on it. Anthony felt sad and told Joe. Joe was confused. Why do you think Anthony felt sad? Why do you think Joe was confused?
Anthony felt sad because he felt like his friend was making fun of him. Joe was confused because he thought he was making a joke about the character, not about his friend.
What should you NOT do when you are being bullied or see someone being bullied?
DON'T FIGHT! Fighting doesn't solve the problem.
How do you compromise?
Identify the problem Look past the fight Identify possible solutions Talk to the other person Pick one solution you BOTH like
Giving someone support, confidence, or hope. For example, "You can do it!" or "I'll help you" or "Keep trying!"
John had studied all week for his science test. He got an 80 on the test. John complained the rest of the day that he did horrible on his test and that science is his worst subject. What type of thinking error is this?
Black and White thinking
Billy walked into the classroom and his friends John and Jose started laughing. Billy yelled at John and Jose and they were shocked. Why did Billy yell and why was John and Jose shocked?
Billy yelled at John and Jose because he thought his friends were laughing at him. John and Jose were shocked because they were laughing at something else.
Name two things you can do if you or someone you know is the victim of bullying.
Speak to a trusted adult (like a counselor, teacher, parent, or principal) Report it! Tell the person to stop in a calm, clear voice Walk away from the person
Conflict is a disagreement on something.
Rachel was working on her math worksheet, her least favorite subject. She was getting frustrated because she didn't understand the assignment. Her friend Maggie saw that she looked upset. Name one example of SELF TALK Rachel can use. *BONUS QUESTION! (100 points): Name one example of ENCOURAGEMENT Maggie can offer Rachel.
SELF TALK examples: "I can do this" or "I'll figure this out" BONUS QUESTION examples: "You can do it, I can help you" or "Keep trying, you'll get it!"
Mr. Kaija asked Bobby to check in with him at the end of class. Bobby refused and said, "I know what you're going to say and I don't want to talk about it. I didn't do it." What type of thinking error is this?
Mind reading!
Paul was hanging out with a group of friends. Whenever he started talking, his friend Peter would jump in the conversation and commenting on the story. This made Paul feel angry. Peter did not understand why. Why do you think Paul felt angry? Why do you think Peter was confused?
Paul was angry because Peter kept interrupting him. Peter was confused because he thought he was helping tell the story.
How should we treat ALL PEOPLE, both peers and adults?
Be kind to others and treat everyone with RESPECT!!