Get Togethers
Healthy Habits
Friendship Skills
Conflict Resolution
Traveling Skills

Name 3 reasons to host a get-together with friends/family.

Examples might include: a holiday (e.g., Christmas, 4th of July, Halloween), a break from school (summer, fall, winter), birthday, etc.


Name 5 ways to keep up with your personal hygiene.

Examples: brush your teeth, wash hands/face, use deodorant, take a shower, brush hair, etc.


State 5 qualities you look for in a friend.

Examples might include: kind, funny, trustworthy, common interests, etc.


Come up with 3 possible reasons for a conflict with a friend.

Examples might include: disagreeing about something, ignoring the other person, saying something unkind, spending less time together, offending the other person, etc.


Name 3 places you can travel.

Examples: another state, camping, hotel, destination

Show the group how you would welcome guests into your home for a get-together.

Include: Greeting, where to put your things, where is the bathroom, where can guests get snacks/drinks, what activities are available.


List 5 different exercises you can do to stay healthy.

Examples might include: walking your dog, going to the gym, swimming, sports, yoga, stretching, etc.


Name 3 places you might be likely to make a friend.

Examples might include: school, school clubs, extracurriculars, community places you enjoy, etc.

Tell the group an "I statement" if your friend is calling you a nickname that you don't like.

Example: I feel upset when you call me that name, can you please call me by my actual name?

Name 3 ways you can travel to another place.

Examples: car, plane, bus, train, taxi/Uber


Tell the group what a good guest will do when at someone else's home.

Examples include: Ask before you take food/drinks, ask if you can help with anything, be respectful of the person's belongings, use manners, stay engaged with the activities, talk to the host, etc.


Come up with a dinner meal that has a balance of food groups (e.g., protein, vegetables, grains).

Example might include: chicken, rice, and broccoli 


Name 5 activities you could do with a friend (based on your interests)

Examples might include: bowling, mini-golf, swimming, shopping, movie theaters, water park, etc.


Your friend is upset because you tried to cheat off their homework yesterday. How can you resolve this conflict.

Listen to your friend's perspective, apologize for hurting their feelings, and don't do that again.


Tell the group about your voice volume and electronics volume while on an airplane.

Calm, quiet volume to respect those around you.


Come up with activities you could plan for a get-together with friends at your home.

Examples might include: board games, movie, video games, outside activities, card games, etc.


Tell the group how often you should do the following hygiene tasks:

- Brushing teeth, cutting fingernails, taking a shower, and washing your  hands

Brush teeth: 2x/day

Cut nails: 1x/week or 2x/month

Take shower: 1x/day or every other day

Wash hands: before/after eating, if they get dirty, after using restroom


Show the group how you would start and maintain a conversation with a friend who like to play sports.

Introduce topic (sports) and ask follow up questions about it.


Your friend has been avoiding you during lunch time and hasn't sat with you in over a week. How can you approach your friend and resolve this conflict?

Go up to your friend and ask if they can talk. Assert yourself with an I statement and propose a solution (e.g., sit together at least once a week,  hang out at a different time of the school day, etc.)


Show the group how you would sit while on a plane. Why is this important?

Keep hands to yourself, sit without taking too much space on your sides, put bags in front of you or on your lap


Draw an invite to your birthday party on the white board (hint: don't forget the wh questions - what, where, why, when)

Invite should include: what the event is, where its located, the date/time, what the event is for, etc.)

Tell the group the benefits of using personal hygiene, having a balanced diet, and exercising regularly

Examples might include: feeling energized, being clean, keeping muscles strong, better mood, etc.


Show me how a friend would take perspective and show empathy (with a group leader).

Try to understand where the friend is coming from and do or say something to cheer the friend up.


When you are resolving a conflict, how should your body language and tone of voice be, and why?

Calm tone of voice (avoid yelling or raising volume), relaxed body language (avoid getting tense or too close to the other person). These are important to help de-escalate the situation.


Show the group what you would do if you were lost at a train station.

Stay still and look around. Find a safe adult and ask for help. Tell them your parent's name and phone number.