Role Play
Fun Facts
Body Language

You walk into social group and there is a new teacher. Show the group what you should say/do.

Introduce yourself. Ask the teacher their name.


Turn and talk to someone of your choice about school for a minimum of 3 conversational volleys. 

1, 2, 3


TRUE OR FALSE: There are three basic emotions

FALSE: There are 8. Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust, Surprise, Anticipation, Anger, and Trust 


The gym teacher has arranged for the class to play a game you don't like. What should you do?

Play the game and give it your best. Ask classmates for tips to be better. 


How are the feeling? What are your clues?

Happy. They are smiling. 


Your teacher tells you to break into groups for a project. You notice one student sitting alone at their desk. Show us what you can say/do.

Invite them to join the group.


Turn and talk to your teammate about your favorite social group activity for a minimum of 4 conversational volleys. 

1, 2, 3, 4


TRUE OR FALSE: Emotions are contagious.



You're winning a board game and see that your friend is starting to look sad while playing. What can you do?

Cheer them on. Offer to play something else after. Say "I'm sure you'll get me next time!"


How is she feeling? What are your clues?

Bored, leaning her head on her hand


You go for a bike ride with your friend. You notice a man in front of you walking his dog has dropped something. When you get closer, you realize he dropped his wallet. Show us what you can say/do.

Pick it up and give it back to him.


Turn and talk to an adult about vacation for a minimum of 5 conversational volleys.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5


TRUE OR FALSE: Women interrupt men more frequently than men interrupt women

FALSE: men interrupt women three times as often as women interrupt men 


You are playing a new game that you don't think you are good at. You start to lose and begin to get frustrated. What can you do?

Breathe. Take a break. Ask a friend or adult for tips.


How is she feeling? What are your clues? Why do you think she feels this way?

Excited, proud, happy. She is smiling. Has her hands in fists. She may have won something or gotten good news. 


You ask to go to the bathroom during class. As you walk down the hallway, you see two students starting to get really upset as they argue. No one else is around. Show us what you can say/do.

Get an adult.


Turn and talk to someone from the other team about one of their interests for a minimum of conversational volleys.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


TRUE OR FALSE: Smiling, even when you don't mean it, can put you in a better mood. 



What do you call it when someone keeps talking about how good they are at something?



How is she feeling? What are your clues? Why might she feel this way?

Nervous, stressed. Her forehead is scrunched. She is holding her head. She may not know the test answer. 


Your friend looks sad. They tell you that their pet passed away over the weekend. Show us what you can say/do.

Comfort them. Say that you're sorry for their loss. 


Turn and talk to two people about animals for a minimum of 7 conversational volleys.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


TRUE OR FALSE: Hugging your friends/family weakens their immune system.



Give three examples of being a good sport

saying "good game", cheering others on, try your best, shake hands, staying positive, etc...


How is he feeling? What are your clues? Why might he feel this way?

Angry. His eyebrows are down, his hands are raised, he has a frown. He may have lost a game.