Siblings problem solving
Workplace scenarios and problem solving
Friends social skills scenarios
Hard Skills Soft Skills and Etiquette Manners
Safety and compromising Problem Solving social skills scenarios

Your sister said no wait don't get out of the car and you start to feel upset What should you do to solve the problem and What is the solution?

Take deep breaths , take a break going for a walk around the neighborhood to help you calm down and your father asked what happened or what's wrong? it would help the situation


You are making mistakes at the work site and you are leaving the space messy How could you solve the problem?

Ask the manger for some help or Ask the cow worker for some help when you need.


Your friend is making you upset and you hurt their feelings How could you solve the problem? What is the solution?

Help them make them feel better and being nice and using nice appropriate kind words language what is wrong or what happened or calming them down.


What could happen when you are being very inappropriate and not helping your co worker?

You could get fired by being inappropriate and not helping your co worker that  is considered a bad soft skill.


Your sister is saying no wait don't get out of the car yet and you are feeling upset What could you do to solve the problem? How could you solve the solution?

you could take deep breaths and you can say to your sister okay I will not get out of the car next time or I can do better next time


Your sister took the television remote to start the game and you start crying and being upset while your sister is taking the television remote to start the game What is the problem? How could you solve the solution?

You can take deep breaths take a break and going for a walk and ask politely May I have the remote saying please and thank you using polite and using good manners.


Jane is doing her work shift she starts at 10:00 am and she is coming to work 4 hours late for her work shift Did the manager Hire Jane How could Jane solve her problem? How could you solve the solution?

No the manager is not hiring Jane if she is being late to work she should be there to work on time.


could you hold the door for somebody while the friend is next to you What could you say? True or False?

True always saying please and thank you when somebody is holding the door.


Saying excuse me

soft skill The manager is hiring you when you are using good manners and being polite


You are being very mean and you are hurting your sister's feelings what is the problem and how could you solve the solution?

You can apologize and saying I am sorry.


Your sister is being rude and being mean and you are using not nice kind words to your sister it makes her feel upset What is the problem How could you solve the solution?

Can you please stop using not nice kind words it really hurt my feelings and it makes me so upset when you are being mean and rude and when you are not using nice kind words.


Harry is making mistakes at her work shift of a sudden the products leads the mess and the manager is not going to like it How could Harry solve his problem and How could he solve his solution?

The manager is going to correct his mistakes and he needs to take his time.


Could you call a friend the grouch is that true or False?

False you should never call your friend the grouch it hurt their feelings


Being Rude

Bad Soft Skill The manager is not going to hire you when you are being rude you should always using good manners and work etiquette when you are working and you should always being polite.


Your sister is taking the remote and watching their favorite game and you took the remote without asking or you are Can you be rude saying Yo give me the remote or ask nicely saying May I have the remote please?

You can ask nicely May I please have the remote using a nice and kind tone of voice without being rude and using your strategies and using your coping skills.


You are calling your sister names How does that make your sister feel How could you solve the problem and How could you solve the solution?

It really hurt my feelings and it makes me feel sad or upset.


Should you be nice to your co workers and help each other out is that true or false?

False always being nice to your employees so the manger is going to be very proud of you


You are having a conversation with your friend Where should your body be when you are having a conversation?

You should be looking toward the friend not be looking away others will be confused your body language is looking towards your friend.


Calling names

Bad Soft skill the manager is not going to hire you and that is not very kind and that is not being nice


You are saying hurtful things and you are making your sister upset and saying negative comments and it makes her unhappy How could you solve the problem? What could you do to solve the solution?

It makes her feel better and I will keep the hurtful things and the negative comments to myself and I will keep the thoughts in my head


You call your sister lazy and you are hurting your sister's feelings What could you do to solve the problem How does your sister feel? How could you solve the solution?

It makes her feelings hurt and we need to keep the thoughts in our head.


Should you call their names at work True or False

False the manager or the boss is not going to hire you the consequence is you will be fired


You are playing a game and you are being very mean and rude and you are saying mean comments and saying no fair cheater How could you solve the problem? What is the solution?

Stop it is making me feel bad when you are calling me cheater and saying no fair with an angry tone.


using bad langauge

Bad soft skill the manager is not going to hire you The consequence is the manager is going to fire you when you are using bad inappropriate language and the manager is going to hire you when you are using kind words and using workplace etiquette.


Should you be inappropriate when your sister is giving you something and should you yell saying yo give me that is that true or false How could you solve the problem and What should you do to solve the solution?

False you should never say yo give me that that is being very rude and inconsiderate and you could go upstairs and they will be a consequence for you.