Coping Skills
Direct/Indirect Language

Name three coping skills

take deep breaths, take a break, count to ten, ask for help


What is an appropriate way to start a conversation?

Hi, Hello, My name is..., How are you?


Name three feelings in the blue zone

sad, tired, sleepy, bored, depressed


What is direct language?

asking for something you want or telling someone exactly how you feel


What is it important that we brush our teeth?

So our breath does not smell, to keep our teeth clean


Name three positive things about yourself

answers vary


What is an appropriate way to end a conversation?

I have to go, we can talk later, see you later, I'm running late, etc. 

Name three feelings in the red zone

angry, upset, mad, rage, out of control


what is indirect language?

talking "around" the subject instead of asking for something directly. Giving clues to the person in regards to what you want


If you see someone being bullied, name two things you can do?

You can tell someone, you can become friends with the person being bullied, you can stand up to the bully


If someone is upsetting you at the dinner table, what are some things you could do?

you could ask to be excused, ignore the person's comments/behaviors, asked to be moved, ask the person to "please stop"


What are three things you could ask me if I were to tell you I'm going to the movies tomorrow?

What movie are you watching, who are you going with, which movie theatre are you going to, how long is the movie, etc.


Name three feelings in the green zone

happy, calm, attentive, focused, peaceful


True or False: Direct language can sometime be impolite

True (especially if you do not know the person that well)


What is nonverbal communication?

body language, eye contact, listening


You were looking forward to go see the new Spider-Man movie, but mom was too tired to take you. How could you compromise?

"we can go next week, we can watch a movie at home", etc. 

True or False: It is appropriate to stare at someone to get their attention

False. What are some ways you could get someone's attention?


Name three feelings in the yellow zone

excited, frustrated, stressed, scared, nervous, worried


Give an example of direct language if you want to join a game

"I would love to play", "Can I play?", "When can I have a turn?"


What does it mean when someone says "read the room"?

Act how everyone else is acting, using the same tone of voice (depending on the environment)


If the iPad/game was not available, name two other things you could do instead

Answers Vary.


If someone greets you, what else could you ask the person instead of just saying "hi"?

You could ask about their day, "how are you?", "how's your family?"

True or False: You can be in multiple zones at once

True. Give an example of being in multiple zones


Give an example of indirect language if you want to join a game

"that looks fun", "is there room for one more?", "what are the rules of this game?", "I love this game!"


Idioms: "hit the hay", "break a leg", "hold your horses", "bite your tongue"

go to sleep, good luck, wait, don't say it