This American Indian was known for helping the pilgrims through their first winter.
Which of these colonies was founded first:
La Florida Hispaniola
Jamestown Plymouth
La Florida
What month was the Declaration of Independence written?
Which side lost the Civil War?
The Confederates
Name 2 Branches of the U.S. Government.
Who was the King that fought the U.S. and lost the colonies?
King George the 3rd.
True or False?
Many of the settlements rejected the idea of being near a coastline.
Most settlements were near a coastline.
What year was the Declaration of Independence written?
Which side of the Civil War was Robert E. Lee on?
The Confederates
True or False?
Only residents born in the U.S. are eligible to vote.
Many U.S citizens were not born here but became citizens later.
How tall was Abraham Lincoln?
Did more British soldiers die in the Civil War from disease or from battle?
Disease....mostly smallpox
According to the Declaration of Independence, where does the government get their power from?
From the people
Who did Robert E. Lee battle at the Appomattox courthouse?
Ulysses S. Grant
Which State had the largest population at the time the U.S. Constitution was written?
Which of the Founding Fathers liked to Party?
Benjamin Franklin
What was the first and second longest war or conflict with the U.S?
1. Civil war
2. Vietnam
Name one thing that was happening at the time in 1776 that was completely against the beliefs of the United States
Owning slaves
Name 3 States that fought for the Confederacy.
S.C Georgia Louisiana Texas
Mississippi Virginia Arkansas N.C.
Fl T.N.
If a white person was considered 1 person during the time of slavery, how much of a person was a slave considered to be?
3/5 of a person.
Which of the Founding Fathers died broke?
Thomas Jefferson
Approximately how many people died in the civil war?
About 650,000 to 700,000
What is the main idea of the Declaration of Independence?
Citizens have the right to have their voices heard in government.
Name 1 of the 2 States where the majority of the Civil War was fought.
Which is not a requirement to be a State Representative?
Must live in the state they represent, Must be at least 25 years old, Must be male, Must have lived in the U.S for 7 years.
They can be male or female.