The U.S. fought this country in the War of 1812.
What is Great Britain?
South Carolina wanted to leave the U.S. because of high taxes.
What is the Nullification Crisis?
This rule told Europe to stay out of the Americas.
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
The British took American sailors and forced them to work for them.
What is impressment?
Jackson shut down this national bank because he thought it was unfair.
What is the Second Bank of the U.S.?
This agreement limited warships on the Great Lakes.
What is the Rush-Bagot Agreement?
This agreement officially ended the War of 1812.
What is the Treaty of Ghent?
This law forced Native Americans off their land.
What is the Indian Removal Act?
James Monroe's presidency was called this because people got along.
What is the Era of Good Feelings?
This famous battle made Andrew Jackson a hero.
What is the Battle of New Orleans?
Jackson gave government jobs to his friends and supporters.
What is the Spoils System?
This deal helped John Quincy Adams become president unfairly.
What is the Corrupt Bargain?
The belief that a person's loyalty and dedication to their nation are more important than other individual or group interests.
What is nationalism?
People called Jackson this because he was tough and strong.
What is "Old Hickory"?
This idea said states could ignore federal laws they didn't like.
What is the States’ Rights Doctrine?