Governement Category
Diversity Category
Famous Americans
First European to land in Florida, wanted to discover riches and conquer land, landed near present-day city of St. Augustine, gave Spain a claim to Florida, sponsored by Spain.
Who is Juan Ponce de Leon?
Things that people must or must not do.
What are rules?
The place where people live, work, and play.
What is a community?
Used to satisfy people's needs and wants.
What are goods and services?
I was born in a log cabin in Kentucky. I was the 16th President; during my presidency, the country was divided over the issue of equality for all people. I helped to free the slaves when I issued the Emancipation Proclamation. Who am I?
Who was Abraham Lincoln?
First European explorer to discover a sea route to North America when he landed in San Salvador; he was sponsored by Spain.
Who is Christopher Columbus?
A group of elected people who make the laws for everyone.
What is a representative democracy?
American flag, Bald Eagle, Washington Monument, and the Statue of Liberty.
What are Patriotic Symbols of the United States?
Choosing the thing that you want.
What is economic Choice?
After an illness as a small child, I was left blind and deaf. I overcame my abilities though and worked to help others who were deaf and blind. Who am I?
Who was Helen Keller?
What was one effect that the European Explorers had on the Native Americans?
What is the Native Americans got diseases and died, and/or they had to relocate their homes?
The basic principles and rights given to every citizen in the Declaration of Independence.
What is the Right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness?
Two ways that people can serve in their community, state, and nation:
What are 1) be a volunteer; 2) get involved in community projects; 3) serve as a government official; 4) join the military; and 5) vote?
Choosing to give something up.
What is opportunity cost?
During a time when all professional athletes were white, I became the first African America major league baseball player. My actions helped to bring about opportunities for other African Americans. Who am I?
Who was Jackie Robinson?
English explorer, Jamestown, western sea route to Asia, four journeys, Fall Line, James River
Who is Christopher Newport?
The three purposes of government.
What is to make the laws, carry out the laws, and decide if laws have been broken?
The three areas that benefit from the diversity of Americans.
What is food, clothing, and music?
Exchanging goods or services without the use of money.
What is barter or trade?
I proved that electricity was in lightning with my kite experiment. I was one of the Founding Fathers of our country. I also started the first library in America and the first volunteer fire department. Who am I?
Who was Benjamin Franklin?
European explorer, Canada, St. Lawrence River Valley, France, Western trade route through America.
Who is Jacques Cartier?
The United States has this form of Government.
What is Representative or Republican form of Government?
A custom or belief that happens over a period of time.
What is a tradition?
Because groups cannot make everything they need, they will often....
I worked as a seamstress during the Revolutionary War period. I was believed to have sewn one of the first flags of the United States. Who am I?
Who was Betsy Ross?