Civics and Current Events
Current and Historical Geography
The Industrial Revolution and the Napoleonic Era 1760-1815
The BNA Colonies 1815-1867
The Dominion of Canada 1867-1915

The bill of rights created in 1982 that entrenched our civil rights thereby protecting Canadians from government overreach.

What is the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?


This Canadian province was created in 1870 and resembled the shape and size of a postage stamp on maps.

What is Manitoba?


The remote South Atlantic island where Napoleon was exiled to after his 1815 defeat at the Battle of Waterloo.

What is St Helena?


The name of the elite social group that controlled the social and political culture of Upper Canada before the Rebellions of 1837.

Who are the Family Compact?


Louis Riel was charged with these offences described in the ancient Treason Act, 1351.

What is high treason?


The category of public law that concerns itself with the body of rules regulating the functioning of the state; the supreme law of the nation--whether it be a desert island or a nation of billions.

What is constitutional law?


The Intercolonial Railway was built to connect the provinces of Ontario and Quebec with these two Atlantic provinces.

What are Nova Scotia and New Brunswick?


The raw material that was processed by the mills of Lancashire and whose trade in the finished product made Great Britain into an industrial power well before any other country on earth.

What is cotton?


The French-Canadian social reformer and politician who had to flee to the USA when the Rebellions of 1837 broke out in Lower Canada.

Who was Louis-Joseph Papineau?


Sir John A. Macdonald's "BFF" and whom could be described as an unofficial first co-prime minister of Canada.

Who is Sir George Etienne Cartier?

The common method to plot a person's political leanings using an X axis of liberal/conservative and a Y axis of libertarian/authoritarian.
What is the political spectrum?

The United Province of Canada was created in 1840 and was subdivided into these two regions both of which had equal representation in the Legislative Assembly.

What are Canada East and Canada West?


The commander of the allied Anglo-Dutch forces at the 1815 Battle of Waterloo who commented that the battle was "the nearest-run thing you ever seen in your life."

Who was Arthur Wellesley, the 1st Duke of Wellington?


Opened in 1859, the first railway bridge across the St Lawrence River was officially inaugurated by the Prince of Wales (future King Edward VII) in 1860.

What is the Victoria Bridge?


The two British North American colonies that declined to join Canada in 1867 after the participating in the preliminary conferences.

What are Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland?


The majority of this province, unfortunately, was not subjected to the constitutionally required treaty process before settlement and colonization happened in the 19th century.

What is British Columbia?


Quebec and this province had a boundary dispute that wasn't resolved until 1927. (Fun fact, this province wasn't even a part of Canada until 1949!).

What is Newfoundland?


The "saviour of Upper Canada" who was killed at the Battle of Queenston Heights during the early stages of the War of 1812.

Who was Major General Sir Isaac Brock?


Nicknamed "Radical Jack", the British politician who was sent to Canada in 1838 to sort out the political mess that caused the Rebellions of 1837 in Upper and Lower Canada.

Who was John Lambton, 1st Earl of Durham?


The second premier of British Columbia (1872-74) was a mystic and adopted a Latin name that translates as "Lover of the Universe."

Who is Amor De Cosmos?


Section 91 of Constitution Act, 1867 describes powers exercised by the federal government; section 92 describes powers exercised by this level of Canadian government.

What are provincial governments?

This province asked for a bridge link during Confederation; however, it didn't receive one until 1997 with the opening of Confederation Bridge.

What is Prince Edward Island?


The Shawnee chief who proposed a political union of mid-west First Nations to serve as a counterweight against continuing American expansionism in the years before the War of 1812.

Who was Tecumseh?


The two influential co-premiers of the United Province of Canada who successfully worked together bring responsible government to the United Province of Canada in passing the Rebellion Losses Bill, 1849.

Who are Robert Baldwin and Louis-Hippolyte LaFontaine?


The 1873 political affair that exposed Conservative politicians as having received large bribes from the Canadian Pacific Railway company.

What is the Pacific Scandal?