How did people get to Canada originally?
The theory is that people traveled over the land bridge that existed between Asia and North America.
To move to a new location is to ______________.
Define Multiculturalism.
The preservation of distinct cultural identities among varied groups within a unified society is known as multiculturalism
Someone who charges people large amounts of money to transport them into another country illegally is known as a ___________ _______________
People Smuggler
_____-______________ is migration from one area of a country to another or to other countries.
To ___________ is to leave one’s country, or region to settle in another.
Define "Time Immemorial"
“Time immemorial” means before time was recorded, meaning people have to memory of it and no record of it, and it just is.
What is a factor that attracts people to a new location?
Pull Factor
_______________ is unfair treatment based on race, language, religion, culture and other factors
Name the reasons for immigration.
Reasons for immigration:
Canada is a big land with a small population. We need more people to fully develop the nation and its economy
Immigrants provide new ideas and skills. The economy needs skilled workers
Immigrants fill job vacancies that resident Canadians do not want to fill. More workers will be needed as aging baby boomers retire
Canada’s multicultural society is enriched by continued immigration. Talented and hard-working immigrants have helped Canada prosper
What did the Jay Treaty do?
The Jay Treaty allowed Canadian-born indigenous peoples to cross the border into the United States at will, meaning that they can live and work in the United States freely without undergoing an immigration application process.
What is “brain drain”?
“Brain drain” is when the educated population moves to a new location.
According to one theory, when did the first people come to Canada?
People first came to Canada around 13 500 years ago
What is a factor that causes people to leave and move away from a location?
Push Factor
What does it mean to be ethnocentric?
Believing one’s own culture is superior to others is known as being ethnocentric
Name the reasons for accepting refugees.
Reasons for accepting refugees:
Canada must honour its commitment to the United Nations and aid “the displaced and persecuted”. Canadians cannot turn their backs on those most in need
Returning refugees to the conditions in their own country will endanger their lives
Canada is a big country with room for many more people
People in desperate situations cannot afford the two-year wait often required to process formal immigration applications
What three provinces were Atlantic Canadian’s most likely to migrate to in the second-half of the twentieth century?
Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta
What effect might “brain drain” have on Canadian identity in the future?
This means that the population of Canada would be less educated, since the educated population leaves. This may affect Canada negatively because we may have less professional workers such as doctors, lawyers, teachers, ect. We need those jobs to be filled, so Canada needs educated professionals.
What are some theories that challenge the land bridge theory?
Some theories that challenge the land bridge theory are:
One theory is that the first inhabitants of the America’s crossed the Pacific Ocean to the west coast of America from Asia, Siberia, or Australia, and spread out to the north and east
The first people arrived from the Americas by crossing the Atlantic Ocean from Europe
How do you determine whether something is a push or pull factor?
To determine whether something is a push or pull factor, you must first determine how that factor makes you feel. Something that qualifies a pull factor draws people in and “pulls” them towards the location, whereas push factors are not attractive to people and they “push” people away from a location.
_____________ is unfavorable judgement or ignorant bias often based on factors such as race, ethnicity or gender
Name the reasons against immigration.
Reasons against immigration:
Canada’s economy cannot create jobs fast enough to absorb so many new Canadians
Immigrants may take jobs away from resident Canadians
Some immigrants may draw on social welfare programs and services
The changing ethnic make-up of the country may increase racial tensions in Canada
Why are Atlantic Canadians moving west? What is pushing them?
Atlantic Canadians are being pushed west by employment. There are many more jobs in provinces like Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia than there are in the Atlantic provinces for many professions. They are being pushed by a lack of employment in their home provinces.
True or False? Give a reason for your answer.
“The most valuable export from Atlantic Canada is the recent graduate.”
This is totally your opinion, but your must give a reason.
If one group of people crossed the land bridge together, how did groups of people spread out around North America?
As people came to America from Asia, Australia, etc., they may have arrived in small groups that spread out and settled around the Americas
Name one push factor and one pull factor.
Many examples!!
DAILY DOUBLE: What are the three classes that immigrants are divided into?
Family Class, Humanitarian Class and Independent Class
Name the reasons against accepting refugees
Reasons people may be against accepting refugees:
Not all refugees claims may be legitimate
Accepting refugees without proper identification poses a security risk for Canadians
Some claiming refugee status may be attempting to get into Canada by “Queue jumping” and attempting to get into Canada faster by skipping the regular immigration process
Accepting refugees now may promote more arrivals in the future
Accepting refugees will keep “people smugglers” in business
When was the Jay Treaty signed?
DAILY DOUBLE: Explain how emigration has a negative effect on Canada.
Emigration may have a negative effect on Canada because Canada already has a smaller population in some areas, and therefore not enough workers to fill all of our professional positions. This is called “brain drain”. Also, without immigration to match, emigration will drop Canada’s population.