Tariffs and Trade
Trade Agreements
5 Social Studies
Health Both Grades

What is a tariff?

A tariff is tax on trade


Will the Gordie Howe Bridge increase or decrease trade between Canada and the USA?

THe Gordie Howe Bridge will increase trade between Canada and the USA


Which country was a founding member of NATO

Canada was a founding member of NATO


What are two rights every Canadian has?

democratic rights, language rights, equality rights, and fundamental rights are rights Canadian citizens have.


Will 25% tariffs lead to an increase or decrease in jobs in Canada

Tariffs will lead to a decrease in jobs ( people will lose their jobs) 


What three countries are involved in the USMCA? 

Canada, United States and Mexico 


What does NATO stand for? 

NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization 


What are two responsibilities every Canadian citizen has 

obey the law, vote in elections, serve on a jury, protect the environment and our heritage and help others in the community are all responsibilities of citizens in Canada


What are two long term effects of using alcohol? 

liver damage, depression, anxiety, are all long term effects of using alcohol. 


What does Free Trade mean? 

Trade without taxes on goods and items 


Why does Canada trade a lot more with the USA than New Zealand

Canada trades a lot with USA because the USA is really close to Canada ( directly to the south of Canada)  and New Zealand is really far away from Canada


What is Canada's role in NATO ? 

To help support and defend (if necessary)  other nations in NATO 


Name two responsibilities of the municipal government

city parks

garbage removal, city police and fire fighters, cemeteries are all responsibilities of the municipal government 


Name two short term effects of using Cannabis 

red eyes

blurry vision

feeling sleepy or hungry

trouble focusing


Why do countries have Free Trade Agreements? 

So countries can trade goods with each other without being taxed 


What two countries does Canada trade a lot of goods and services with?

United States of America and Canada are two countries Canada trades a lot of goods and services with


Which two continents are in NATO 

North America and Western Europe are the continents that are in NATO


Name two responsibilities of the provincial government

health care/ hospitals


provincial police are some of the responsibilities of provincial governments


What are two long term effects of using cannabis?

anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and lung damage are all long term effects of using cannabis 


Name four industries that will be affected by 25% tariffs

auto industry

dairy industry

Steel industry

aluminum industry 


What does the USMCA stand for? 

USMCA stands for United States Mexico Canada Trade Agreement 

  • What does Article 5 of NATO state? 

Article 5 states an attack against one NATO country   shall be considered an attack against them all


Name two responsibilities of the federal government


military spending

criminal law

are all responsibilities of the federal giovernment


Why shouldn't someone drive if they have been drinking alcohol or smoking cannabis?

People should not drive after using alcohol or smoking cannabis as it will affect the person's ability to focus and make it more likely the person gets in a car crash