Vocabulary Week 1
Vocabulary Week 2
Vocabulary Week 3
Vocabulary Week4
6 weeks in Review
places on earth that are different from each other, defined by geographical, social, or cultural reasons
What are regions
someone who lives in a community, state, or country that follows rules and helps others
What is a good citizen
new ways of doing things
What is innovation
money paid to the government that the government uses for goods and services
What are taxes
invented the first commercially sucessful steamboat in the United States
Who is Robert Fulton
things that come from nature that people use; like air, water, soil, and minerals
What are natural resources
a woman pilot who was a role model and inspired women in the 1920's to follow their dreams. She disappeared while trying to fly arounds the world. She was the first woman pilot to fly acorss the Atlantic Ocean.
Who is Amelia Earhart
times that happened very long ago
What are historical times
the special time when we vote for a leader
What is an election
a scientist who developed hundreds of ways to utilize peanuts
Who is George Washington Carver
different shapes of land on earth such as plains, mountains, deserts, hills, canyons, valleys, and mountains
What are landforms
someone who served in the military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines)
What is a veteran
a line that shows the order in which things happen
What is a time line
the leader of a state that makes sure that people follow the state's laws
What is a governor
a celebration that is intended to remember the Pilgrims and to be grateful
What is Thanksgiving Day
the state of wind, temperature, and precipitation
What is a weather pattern
a book, website, statement, person, picture, or letter that gives information
What is a source
a new and original device or process, like the invention of the telephone
What is an invention
services provided by the government for the good of the community such as police, fire, street lights, education and recreation
What are government services
the first African-American appointed to the Supreme Court and helped to change unfair laws for all people
Who is Thurgood Marshall
things that happen in nature that destroy human life and property like hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanoes, fires and floods
What are natural hazards
the first Afircan American to earn a PhD from Harvard and was a leader of the NAACP who fought for the education of African Americans
Who is W.E.B. DuBois
anything that people create to solve a problem. For example, pencils were a technological improvement over a reed brush that people used to write with
What is technology
the leader in a community that makes sure that people follow the community laws
What is a mayor
the place where people go when they cannot agree about the law and need a judge to solve their disagreement
What is court