Spanish Society
What did the Europeans trade in North America? a. tea and coffee b. cloth and horses c. guns and silver
b. cloth and horses
Which group of people did Hernando Cortes conquer? a. Mayans b. Inuits c. Mayans d. Aztecs
d. Aztecs
What does a missionary do? a. teaches reading b. teaches math c. teaches religion d. teaches manners
c. teaches religion
Where did the Native Americans come from? a. Asia b. They were in the Americas before Columbus c. Europe d. None of the above
b. They were in the Americas before Columbus
Which colony disappeared? a. Jamestown b. Roanoke c. Croatoan d. Muhlenberg
b. Roanoke
Why did Columbus go on his first journey? a. to find gold b. to find the Indies c. to trade in Africa d. to explore new territories
b. to find the Indies
What was Hernando de Soto looking for when he traveled through Georgia? a. Roanoke b. Mississippi River c. Cities of Gold d. Northwest Passage
c. Cities of Gold
What was the purpose of the missions? a. to teach Native Americans about farming b. to teach Europeans about farming c. to teach Native Americans about Christianity d. to teach Europeans about Christianity
c. to teach Native Americans about Christianity
Which answer puts these groups in order from most to least powerful? a. peninsulares, mestizos, native americans, creoles b. mestizos, creoles, native americans, peninsulares c. native americans, peninsulares, creoles, mestizos d. peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, native americans
d. peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, native americans
What was life like for the first settles of Jamestown? a. they were very successful b. they were very wealthy c. many died from starvation and illness d. they studied a lot
c. many died from starvation and illness
What did King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella hope to get out of Columbus' second expedition? a. They hoped valuables would be brought back to Spain. b. They wanted to be the most powerful country. c. They wanted to learn about new places.
a. They hoped valuables would be brought back to Spain.
What two "allies" did Cortes and the Conquistadors have that helped them conquer the Aztecs? a. smallpox and guns b. other native american tribes and smallpox c. other native american tribes and guns d. none of the above
a. smallpox and guns
What was the first law-making assembly called in the English colonies? a. Parliament b. Legislature c. Senate d. House of Burgesses
d. House of Burgesses
Which group had both English and Spanish background? a. peninsulares b. creoles c. mestizos d. native americans
c. mestizos
What helped to keep peace with the Native Americans? a. Both groups farmed tobacco together. b. Pocahontas saved John Smith's life. c. Both groups signed a peace treaty. d. They were both Christian.
b. Pocahontas saved John Smith's life.
What ocean did Columbus cross? a. Arctic Ocean b. Indian Ocean c. Pacific Ocean d. Atlantic Ocean
d. Atlantic Ocean
Why did Francisco Pizarro explore South America? a. He wanted to trade with the Aztecs b. He wanted to conquer the Inca c. He wanted to trade with the Inca
b. He wanted to conquer the Inca
Who explored the Mississippi River? a. Henry Hudson b. Christopher Columbus c. Francisco Pizarro d. Rene-Robert Cavalier
d. Rene-Robert Cavalier
Which group was born in Spain? a. peninsulares b. creoles c. mestizos d. native americans
a. peninsulares
Who decided to grow tobacco as Virginia's first cash crop? a. John Smith b. John Rolfe c. Chief Powhattan d. Pocahontas
a. John Smith
Who did the Columbian Exchange most benefit? a. South Americans b. North Ameicans c. Europeans d. African Americans
c. Europeans
What great battle did Sir Francis Drake begin? a. The Battle of the English b. The Battle of the Spanish c. The Battle of the Dutch d. The Battle of the Spanish Armada
d. The Battle of the Spanish Armada
Name one thing that is named after Henry Hudson.
Hudson Bay Hudson Strait Hudson River
WHAT OCEAN DID COLUMBUS CROSS? write it on your boards. (best try on spelling)
Atlantic Ocean
What country funded Columbus' journey? a. Spain b. France c. Russia d. England
a. Spain