the name of the document that announced the American Colonies were breaking away from Great Britain
The Declaration of Independence
What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?
To explain why the colonies should be free
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness
The booklet Common Sense persuaded American colonists to do what?
Want independence
What is Ms. Nauta's favorite season?
the name for the group of leaders who helped to establish the new American nation.
Founding Fathers
Colonists rang bells and lit bonfires for the Declaration because they were:
A. Angry
B. Worried
C. Excited
C. Excited
According to this excerpt from the Declaration, where do governments derive their power?
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, Deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it."
Consent of the governed.
Who did British troops fight against at the beginning of the American Revolution?
A. Colonial Militias and Minutemen
B. Hired Foreign Soldiers
C. A Strong Central Army
A. Colonial militias and Minutemen
What is Ms. Blease's favorite color?
People (colonists) who were trained to be ready to fight at any moment.
Who was the main writer for the Declaration of Independence?
A. Benjamin Franklin
B. Thomas Jefferson
C. Thomas Paine
B. Thomas Jefferson
According to this excerpt from the Declaration, when would the colonies be free and independent?
"(We) solemnly publish and declare, that these United Colonies are, and of right out to be free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and that State of Great Britian, is and ought to be totally dissolved."
What important task was the Second Continental Congress faced with?
A. Find ways to make the king happy
B. Make treaties with Indigenous tribes
C. Organize the colonies for war
Organize the colonies for war
What is Mr. Cooke's favorite sport?
A body of soldiers who did required military service
Although Thomas Jefferson believed in equality, he still...?
Owned many enslaved people.
Who that slavery was a "cruel war against human nature" and that the King of Great Britain had denied the "sacred rights of life and liberty...of a distant people who never offended him."
A. Benjamin Franklin
B. Thomas Jefferson
C. Thomas Paine
B. Thomas Jefferson
Who was the leader of the continental army and navy?
George Washington
What will be Mrs. Lynch's summer job?
Working at an ice-cream shop
Leaders from different states met in Philadelphia in 1775 for the _____
Second Continental Congress
After Jefferson completed his draft of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson was angry that delegates did what to his draft?
Removed most discussion of slavery
Who said this: "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."
A. Benjamin Franklin
B. Thomas Jefferson
C. Thomas Paine
A. Benjamin Franklin
How many copies of Common Sense were published in the colonies?
A. 200,000
B. 350,000
C. 500,000
C. 500,000
What is Mrs. Marshall's favorite cartoon to watch with her kids?
Rubble and Crew