Landforms & Water Features
Maps & The World
Natural Resources
People & The Environment
What word means..."a place where there is much flat land and soil for farming"?

A) Modify

B) Conserve

C) Agricultural Region

D) Industrial Region

E) Landform

C) Agricultural Region
Which 5 of the following are landforms?

Glaciers, Peninsulas, Mountains, Lakes, Icebergs, Rivers, Adobe, Islands, Plateaus

Glaciers, Peninsulas, Mountains, Islands, and Plateaus
What is the highest range of elevation in the state of Colorado (CO)?
Between 6,000 and 10,000 feet.
True or False: Coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear power are all RENEWABLE resources.
How have the Havasupais in Arizona adapted to living in the Grand Canyon?
Mail and other supplies are carried into the village by horseback or flown in by helicopter.

What word means..."the form or shape of part of the Earth's surface"?

A) Modify

B) Conserve

C) Agricultural Region

D) Industrial Region

E) Landform

E) Landform
Most of the United States is in a temperate climate region.  What is a temperate climate like?

A) cool or cold most of the year

B) wet and hot most of the year

C) not as cold as the coldest region and not as hot as the hottest region

D) dry with little rainfall

C) not as cold as the coldest region and not as hot as the hottest region
On which continent are the Himalaya Mountains located?

A) North America

B) South America

C) Asia

D) Africa

C) Asia
Which natural resource is used to BOTH heat a home and fuel a car?

A) Coal

B) Soil

C) Trees

D) Oil

D) Oil
Describe an effect of living in a cold snowy environment.
1) Having to wear more clothes.  2) Finding a different way to travel through the snow (snowmobile).

What word means..."to save and protect natural resources"?

A) Modify

B) Conserve

C) Agricultural Region

D) Industrial Region

E) Landform

B) Conserve
A small plant grows in the desert in the Southwest region of the United States.  Which is most likely true about this plant?

A) It needs plenty of rain.

B) It needs a small amount of water.

C) The ground in which is grows is frozen all year.

D) It is eaten by caribou.

B) It needs a small amount of water.
Which ocean runs along the western coasts of North America and South America?

A) Pacific Ocean

B) Atlantic Ocean

C) Arctic Ocean

D) Indian Ocean

A) Pacific Ocean
What natural resources are found in the West region of the United States?
1) Timber 2) Gold 3) Coal 4) Oil
What are two examples of people modifying the land?
1) Farmers may irrigate their crops or bring water in through pipes.  2) Miners digging tunnels.  3) Chopping down trees.  4) Building roads, bridges, and railroads.  5) Building damns across rivers.

What word means..."a place where many kinds of businesses are located"?

A) Modify

B) Conserve

C) Agricultural Region

D) Industrial Region

E) Landform

D) Industrial Region
What type of landform would you most likely find in the areas with the highest elevation?
Name the 4 major oceans of the world.
Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean
What is the top crop grown in the United States?
Explain two effects that a growing population can have on a city.
1) Taller buildings.  2) Wider roads to fit cars, trucks, and buses.  3) Trains so people can move out of the city.  4) More pollution.  5) Less nature and habitats for wildlife.

What word means..."to change something, such as the physical environment"?

A) Modify

B) Conserve

C) Agricultural Region

D) Industrial Region

E) Landform

A) Modify
Name at least 4 of the different climates that you and your classmates presented about.
1) Tundra/Arctic 2) Forest 3) Rainforest 4) Tropical 5) Desert 6) Grasslands
Name the 7 continents of the world.
North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, Antarctica
Oil is heated to make plastic.  What goods are made from plastic?
1) Telephones 2) Plastic Bags 3) Toys
Describe one thing that people do that harms the environment.  What can be done to fix the problem?
1) Buy automobiles that do not pollute the air.  2) Use heat from the sun or wind to power things.  3) Organize groups to clean up beaches, parks, and lakes. 4) Preserve National Parks.  5) Pass laws to stop littering, keep water clean, and protect oceans.  6) Plant trees.