Vocabulary Terms
End of Ice Age
Mesoamerican Civilizations
Life in Eastern Woodlands
Life in the West
to move
How might the first people have migrated to the Americas from Asia?
Across the Bering Land Bridge on foot.
What are some of the conditions that allowed civilizations to grow?
Agriculture, development of special skills, food surpluses, cities, and government.
What are the eastern woodlands?
The largely forested eastern half of North America.
What is a drought?
A long period of time,sometimes several years, with almost no rain.
a person who studies bones, tools, pottery, and other artifacts to learn how ancient people lived.
In what ways did the changing environment affect the lives of early peoples?
They learned to hunt smaller animals with new weapons; began to fish and dig for clams and oysters; collected roots, seeds, nuts, and berries; made new tools; began to farm; established permanent villages.
What were the major features of the Maya and Aztec cultures?
Maya: large cities, powerful leaders, accurate calendars, picture language. Aztec:warriors, huge empire, religion, schooling.
How were the live of Woodlands Indians related to their environments?
Woodlands Native Americans relied on their environment for their food and for the materials they used to build their houses.
In what ways did religion affect the everyday lives of Southwest Indians?
They tried to do things that would keep them in harmony with nature.
a highly developed culture
Why is agriculture the most important discovery the world has ever known?
Agriculture led to a better way of life, permanent villages, and more time for investing in culture.
How were the Anasazi and mound-building cultures affected by their environments?
The Anasazi irrigated the land. The Mound Builders farmed river land.
How did the Creek plan their towns and villages?
Homes and meeting buildings were built around a central plaza. Beyond the homes were the fields.
What economic conditions allowed Northwest Indians to have celebrations such as the potlatch?
The abundant resources of the sea and forests there led to great wealth.
a large group made up of smaller groups
Why did the early people did not settle in the middle and eastern part of Canada when they came across the Bering Strait?
Because the land was covered in ice still.
What was the role of education in Aztec society?
Girls learned household skills. Boys learned fighting skills to become warriors.
How did the organization of Creek towns benefit all the townspeople?
Old and sick people were taken care of; men and women had roles such as hunting and farming that helped the community; gathering together provided protection.
How did the environment shape the lives of Western Indians?
The abundant natural resources in the Northwest led to a prosperous life for these groups; the harsh environment of the Great Basin led to a hard life of wandering for food; Plains Indians moved about looking for food that was fairly abundant; the Native Americans of the Southwest lived in communities dependent on farming.
land and people controlled by one ruler or government
How did early peoples adapt to their changing environments?
First, early peoples hunted large animals during the Ice Age. As the ice melted and the large animals died, they fished and learned how to hunt small game and to gather edible plants. they made tools to help them gather food. Later, they became farmers, learning how to grow crops and store food.
How did Aztecs feel about war?
Aztecs believed that bravery in battle would please their gods.
How did the Creek use their surroundings for food and shelter?
They built their homes of mud and poles in forests near rivers so they could hunt and fish. They cleared fields to plant corn, beans, and squash.
Why do you think woodcarving became an important craft in the Northwest but not in the Southwest?
The availability of trees.