Vocabulary part 1
Vocabulary part 2
Chapter Questions
Chapter Questions
Chapter Questions
What are the three technology tools that improved sea travel?
compass, astrolabe, map
Slave trade is...
buying or selling humans as property
What advantage did Portugal have for exploring teh oceans and distant lands? a. Portugese sailors had already been there b. it had vast forests and a source of timber to build ships. c. It's location on the western coast of Europe was a good starting place for sea voyages. d. Representatives from Asia visited Portugal
C- It's location on the western coast of Europe was a good starting place for sea voyages.
What happened when the Spanish arrived on Native America land?
The Spanish took their land, forced them to work as slaves, and many were killed by war and disease
What did Priests try to do the the Native Americans?
They tried to force them to convert to Christianity
What is the process sailors use to plan their course?
What technology changed the way sea travel worked (think about what changed to speed up this travel and allowed larger crews to travel at once.
the caravel was built
How did Portugese rulers promote expeditions to explore new lands? a. they paid explorers a salary b. they threated war c. they joined Spain in paying for Columbus' voyage d. the paid for the voyages
D- paid for the voyages
What is the best way to describe the Columbian Exchange? a. disease were transfered from Native Americans to Europeans b. The trade routes for goods between North America and Europe c. The movement of cultures and goods d. The name of Columbus's last expedition to North America
How long did Columbus sail before he reached land on his first voyage?
5 weeks
What is an empire?
a group of nations ruled by a single group or leader
What does it mean to circumnavigate?
to sail completely around
Which of the following is NOT a reason Prince Henry started the navigation school? a. He wanted wealth from Portugal b. He wanted Portuguese sailors to sail to North America c. He was curious about the world d. He wanted to spread christianity
Why were European diseases like smallpox and measles so devastating to the Native Americans?
Native Americans had no immunity to these diseases
What did the King and Queen want Columbus to trade for?
gold and spices
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were patrons to Columbus. This means they did what?
provided funds to pay for his voyage
A conquistador is...
a Spanish soldier
Why did Columbus name the area where he landed "West Indies"?
he thought he landed near India
Why were European Merchants interested in sea routes?
land routes were long and dangerous
Which explorer was the first to circumnavigate the Earth?
How is an expedition different from exploration?
An expedition is well planned and organized, exploration is more spur of the moment and not as organized
How are merchants and trading posts related?
Merchants are the people who buy and sell their good at a trading post
What did Ferdinand Magellan and Columbus have in common? a. the died on an expedition b. neither of them reached Asia c. they traveled west in search of Asia d. they were from Italy
Why were horses so beneficial to the Native Americans?
they allowed for quicker travel, faster hunting
What example did Mrs. Olsen give when she talked about navigation tools improving over time?
She compared them to the iPhone improving over time.