What is the starving time and who did it happen to?
The starving time occurred when John smith left the Jamestown colony.
Who was John Winthrop?
a Puritan who wanted to change the Church of England.
What is dissension?
A disagreement between members of a group over an important issue.
What were some things that made it difficult for Jamestown to succeed? Give 4
1. Poor location
2. Salty dangerous water to drink
3. Not properly prepared
4. No desire to work hard
How did the Iroquois seek revenge against the Huron and Algonquin?
They blocked the Huron from accessing the rivers and the Huron nearly starved to death.
What did John Rolfe do for Jamestown?
He grew tobacco and married Pocahontas.
What are some risks and sacrifices of the Pilgrims boarding the Mayflower?
Leaving family and possibly lack of food, bad weather, disease
What is the difference between an endentured servant and a slave?
An endentured servant chooses to work for a specified period of time, with no wages but food, clothing and housing is provided, in exchange for land at the end of his service. A slave is forced to work for free and usually not treated very well.
What ended up saving Jamestown?
A cash crop of sweet tobacco.
Why was the Mayflower Compact so important?
It was an agreement on how they would govern themselves, in which they all promised to work together for all the people and they would make laws that would be fair and just.
What happened to Jamestown when John Smith returned to England?
The Powhatans stopped trading with the colonists and began attacking colonists who left to hunt for food.
What did Oglethorpe do in Georgia that was different from all other colonies?
He allowed people who were in debt to go to Georgia instead of going to jail and "wasting away".
What is an inhumane system referring to?
It refers to the auctioning, kidnapping and selling of human beings, holding them captive and forcing them to work for free.
What colony disappeared when John White returned to England for help?
The Colony of Roanoake
What was the main reason that the Iroquois ultimately were able to defeat the Huron?
The Iroquois were motivated by a strong desire for revenge.
In 1618 the Virginia Company ordered the colony to create "just laws for the happy guiding and governing the people" so they created what?
The House of Burgesses
Who was Samuel de Champlain and what was unique about his beliefs?
A French explorer who founded Quebec in New France and he believed in trying to build friendly relationships with Native Americans and even learned to speak the Huron language.
What is Triangular Trade?
It is used to describe trade routes between England, Africa and the Americas in which goods were traded but they were traded for African men, women, and kidnapped children.
What was unique about New Amsterdam?
They allowed other countries to join them and become part of their colony.
What is known as one of the darkest times in history and associated with the Puritans?
The Salem Witch Trials when 19 people were put to death for being accused of practicing witchcraft.
What was unique about how Jamestown was first created?
It was an all male colony.
How did Spain, England and France settle areas differently?
Spain sent conquistadors who conquered and took land, England wanted freedom to practice religion and France wanted to get rich.
What was the encomiendas system?
It was a system of forced labor in Spanish Colonies in which Native Americans were forced to work in exchange for housing and food.
Who is "King Phillip" and what did he do for the pilgrims?
He was a Wampanoag leader that helped the Pilgrims survive the first harsh winter that they were not prepared for.
Why was Anne Hutchinson put on trial?
She was put on trial for saying that people should be allowed to interpret the bible.