Name a popular Michigan industry
Auto, farming, lumber, mining, infastructure
What was the big idea that came out of Battle Creek?
Breakfast Cereal
Did Michigan become a state before or after the Civil War?
When did labor unions start?
Name two Michigan cities that were started near natural resources
Detroit, Saginaw, Houghton, Port Huron, Muskegon, Marquette, etc...
I will not accept Lansing. I am looking for a city by water, or in the UP where trees were abundant
People came from other countries to work in the mining industry. What are two metals that were mined in the Upper Peninsula?
Copper and Iron
Name one of the famous cereal brands to come out of Battle Creek.
Kellog's or Post.
What year did the Civil War start?
Who started unions?
When states specialize in something, do they depend more or less on other states?
The fur trade slowed down in the 1800s. What was Michigan's next big business?
What was Henry Ford's big idea about the kind of car he should make?
The car should be simple. It should be affordable, but it should work well.
Why did people along the Underground Railroad want to help escaped slaves?
They felt slavery was wrong. It was against their values.
Most Michigan cities were started along rivers or on lakes because..
Waterpower was used for gristmills, sawmills, and factories.
What city did the great sit-down strike take place in?
Logging (or lumber) became a big business here. This is because Michigan had _____ trees. Other places had ____ trees.
Many and few
Why would an entrepreneur build a plank road?
To make a profit by meeting the needs of people.
To be determined. If you named a territory at the time, you are incorrect.
The company that built the Soo Locks was given land for its work. This land was an..
What was Ford's REALLY BIG IDEA? Hint: It is not about car affordability or simplicity.
Moving Assembly Line
Logging helped Michigan grow. It had negative consequences. Name at least two negative consequences.
There was no conservation. Loggers did not plant new trees. The land was ruined because without trees the wind and rain washed away the soil. Birds and animals lost their homes.
Why were the Soo Locks built?
To help ships move cargo between Lake Superior and Lake Huron.
What was the name of the invisible line that we used to divide the "free states" and "slave states?" Hint: the first word is the name of one of your classmates.
Mason-Dixon Line
Name two capital resources you would need to start a mine.
Picks, shovels, cars, pumps, and hoists.
Name one key figure who was part of the Underground Railroad. I will also accept the name of the president who navigated our country through the Civil War.
Harriet Tubman, George de Baptiste OR Abraham Lincoln