Who's Who?
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Who's Who (Part 2)?
Colonies Q & A
A Puritan woman who believed that people should pray directly to God rather than depend upon church teachings. She was forced to leave Massachusetts and started a settlement in Portsmouth, R.I.
Who was Anne Hutchinson?
A special promise or agreement.
What is a covenant?
A Puritan minister who believed each church should be independent and choose its own leaders. He founded the colony of Connecticut.
Who was Thomas Hooker?
Corn, tobacco, rice, and indigo.
What were crops grown in the Southern Colonies?
The Quakers called themselves this, because of their belief that people should be treated fairly. They were also anti-slavery, and believed in treating Native Americans with respect.
What is the Society of Friends?
To allow people to have different beliefs than your own. Many Puritan leaders, who wanted everyone in the community to share their beliefs, did not do this.
What is to tolerate?
A Puritan minister who disagreed with other Puritan leaders. He advocated for tolerance of different religious beliefs. After being brought to trial, he fled Massachusetts and founded the settlement of Providence.
Who was Roger Williams?
Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
What were the Southern Colonies?
A Quaker leader who was granted land by Charles II in the Middle Colonies, which he named Pennsylvania.
Who was William Penn?
A person who owes money.
What is a debtor?
A successful English lawyer who led the Puritans to Massachusetts Bay.
Who was John Winthrop?
The nickname given to the middle colonies, since they produced much of the grain and grain products that sustained the other settlements.
What was "the breadbasket colonies"?
Men who owned all the land of the colony.
Who were proprietors?
A plant that produces blue dye.
What is indigo?
Also known as "King Phillip", this Wampanoag sachem (leader) lead one of the last Native American battles against English colonists.
Who was Metacomet?
This group of colonies welcomed Jews from Portugal, Dutch people from the Netherlands, Germans, and Scottish people.
What were the Middle Colonies?
The leader of the Yamacraw, who led his people in their first meetings with the English colonists in what is now eastern Georgia.
Who was Chief Tomochichi?
Large wagons built by German immigrants that were used to carry people and farm goods to city markets in the Middle Colonies.
What are Conestoga wagons?
A British military officer who founded the colony of Georgia, where he sent England's debtors and poor people.
Who was James Oglethorpe?
A group of English Protestants who felt the Church of England followed too many practices of the Roman Catholic Church. They left England for religious freedom, and settled in a part of New England called the Massachusetts Bay.
Who were the Puritans?