Vocabulary Words
Famous Landmarks
Famous Explorers
Christopher Columbus
Mix and Match
This instrument is used to find direction.
What is a compass?
This is the local name for the island on which Columbus first landed. Columbus called this place San Salvador.
What is Guanahani?
These were the first people known to have visited the Americas.
Who are the Vikings?
This country was the birthplace of Christopher Columbus.
What is Italy?
There were many changes in technology in Europe that helped set the stage for exploration. Name one of these changes.
What is built faster ships, made a new kind of sail that allowed ships to sail against the wind, better maps, OR made a better compass.
This is a person who creates maps.
What is a cartographer?
This is the name that Leif Eriksson and the Vikings gave to the first European settlement in the Americas.
What is Vinland, or vineland?
He was the Viking leader who led the first Europeans to visit the Americas.
Who is Leif Eriksson?
This is the year that Christopher Columbus landed in America.
What is 1492?
There were many changes in government in Europe that opened the door for explorations. Name one of these.
What is lands once ruled by warring nobles had become countries ruled by strong monarchs OR they didn't want to spend their time or money on exploration.
This is an adventure story that tells about the brave deeds of people long ago.
What is a saga?
This body of water was reached by Spanish explorer Vasco Nunez de Balboa and is now one of our five Oceans.
What is the Pacific Ocean?
This European whose descriptions of the riches and gold in China made traders want to go to Asia.
Who is Marco Polo?
This is what Christopher Columbus did for most of his life.
What is a sailor?
Martin Behaims built the first globe. There were some things wrong with it.
What is showed the earth as being smaller than it really is, did not have America on it, did not have Australia or Antarctica on it, OR Africa was too small and the wrong shape.
This is another name for kings and queens.
What is a monarch?
This body of water was known as the Ocean Sea by explorers in the late 1400's and is now one of our five Oceans.
What is the Atlantic Ocean?
This Italian explorer figured out that Columbus had not reached Asia. America was also named after him.
Who is Amerigo Vespucci?
This country gave Christopher Columbus the money and support to for his voyage of exploration.
What is Spain.
He was the ruler of China that Marco Polo claimed to have met.
Who is Kublai Kahn?
This line of longitude is marked 0 degrees and runs through Greenwich, England.
What is the Prime Meridian?
This city was captured by the Turks, closing off trade routes between europe and Asia.
What is Constantinople?
He was the first person to make a globe, earning $75.00 for building it even though it was not accurate.
Who is Martin Behaim?
Christopher Columbus had three ships in his voyage. They were the Nina, the ___________, and the Santa Maria.
What is the Pinta?
This European proved that it was possible to reach Asia by sailing west from Europe.
Who is Ferdinand Magellan?