Clara Barton
Ruby Bridges
Helen Keller
American Red Cross/Houston Food Bank

True or False: Clara Barton created the International Red Cross.


Clara Barton created the American Red Cross. 



Ruby Bridges was born in:

A. Massachusetts

B. Alabama

C. Mississippi

D. California

Ruby Bridges was born in:

A. Massachusetts

B. Alabama

C. Mississippi

D. California


True or False: Helen Keller worked for equal rights for people with disabilities. 



True or False: The American Red Cross distributes only food to families in need. 

False: The American Red Cross distributes food, water, clothing, electricity, blood donations, and much more to communities in need when a natural disaster occurs


A citizen is a: 

person who lives in a city!

Fill in the blank: 

Clara Barton figured out she was really good at helping people, so she became a _________.

Clara Barton figured out she was really good at helping people, so she became a nurse.


Ruby Bridge's family moved to _____________ when she was two years old. 

A. Kentucky

B. Arizona

C. Louisiana

D. Vermont



Helen Keller was ____ and ____ but that didn't stop her from doing amazing things.

Helen Keller was blind and deaf but that didn't stop her from doing amazing things.


True or False: The HFB is located in Dallas, TX. 


It's in Houston! :)



An example of a civic responsibility is all of the following except:

A. Picking up your trash in public

B. Cleaning your room

C. Paying taxes

D. Obeying traffic laws

B. Cleaning your room (this is a personal responsibility) 


Clara Barton was born in:

A. Alabama

B. Mississippi

C. Massachusetts

D. California

Clara Barton was born in:

A. Alabama

B. Mississippi

C. Massachusetts

D. California


True or False: Ruby Bridges founded the Houston Food Bank. 


Which organization did she create? 


Helen Keller learned how to read _________. 

*Hint: bumps on the pages

Helen Keller learned how to read Braille.


True or False: The Houston Food Bank collects blood donations. 

FALSE. The American Red Cross collects blood donations. 


The _________ _________ is when people think about and work for what is best for everyone.

The common good is when people think about and work for what is best for everyone. 


True or False: Clara Barton was blind and deaf, and helped other people with the same disabilities. 



How did the community respond when Ruby Bridges went to an integrated school? How did her teacher respond? 

Community: mean, angry, & upset she went to an all white school.

Teacher: kind, caring, and taught her alone in 1st grade. 


Helen Keller had a wonderful teacher who let her feel her mouth and throat so she could learn how to speak. Her teacher's name was _____ ___________.

Helen Keller had a wonderful teacher who let her feel her mouth and throat so she could learn how to speak. Her teacher's name was Anne Sullivan.


The Houston Food Bank is important because ________________________________________.

Answers may vary. An example could be:

The Houston Food Bank is important because they donate food all over Texas to communities in need.


A ________ is a group of citizens who are selected to decide a court case. 

A jury is a group of citizens who are selected to decide a court case.


Clara Barton was very brave during the Civil War because she ____________________________


Answers may vary. 


Clara Barton was very brave during the Civil War because she chose to help all of the soldiers who were injured on the battlefield, no matter which side they fought on. 


Choose one of the questions to answer:

1. How was Ruby Bridges a brave citizen? 

2. What did Ruby Bridges learn as a child?

Answers may vary. 


1. Ruby Bridges was a brave citizen because she continued to show up to school even though many people were upset she was there. 

2. Ruby Bridges learned that you can't judge someone based on the color of their skin. 


Helen Keller exemplified perseverance and good citizenship by ___________________________.

Answers may vary, but an example could be:

Helen Keller exemplified perseverance and good citizenship by never giving up even when it was hard for her to communicate. She also stood up for equal rights for people with disabilities.


The American Red Cross is an important organization because ____________________________________.

Answers may vary. An example could be:

The American Red Cross is an important organization because they help communities after natural disasters by providing food, water, clothing, and shelter during a time of crisis. 

A _____________ is an illness or injury that makes it difficult for a person to do something.  

A disability is an illness or injury that makes it difficult for a person to do something.