Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Why was there a struggle between France and Britain for control of Acadia?

It was an excellent location to protect the coast
What is assimilation?

the process of becoming part of a different cultural group.



Why did the American War of Independence begin?

America wanted to break free from British rule


How did the Loyalist migration impact the First Nations people?

Caused a shift in treaties between British and First Nations (from peace and friendship to land)

Loyalists moved in First Nation hunting and fishing grounds


What triggered the Great Migration? (2)

Machines took job from people after the Industrial Revolution, many people lost their farms

the Napoleonic Wars ended causing an economic slowdown and unemployment, there was a famine.


What was the oath of neutrality?

The Acadians promised to remain neutral if a war broke out between the British and French


What is Ostracize?

to banish or exclude somebody from society or a particular group


Who were the two divided groups in the Thirteen Colonies?

The Patriots and the Loyalists


Why did America decide to go after British North America in the War of 1812? 

It was the closest way for them to attack Britain


What led to the Rebellions of 1837-1838?

the people in upper and lower Canada were frustrated with the form of government they were under


What was the oath of allegiance?

an oath stating that if a war broke out between the British and French the Acadians would side with the British


How did the Royal Proclamation aim to assimilate the Canadiens?

Having a British style government in Quebec

Not allowing Catholics to hold positions in government

Getting rid of French civil law

Encouraging settlers from the Thirteen Colonies to move to Quebec


What is a refugee?

Someone who flees to another country to escape danger in their country


Who joined the War of 1812 against America? (3)

English speaking Canadians


First Nations People


How did Britain respond to the rebellions in 1838?

The king sent Lord Durham to do a royal commission


What was the Great Deportation?

When the British made the Acadians leave their homes


Why was the Quebec Act created? (3)

People in the Thirteen Colonies were rebelling against Britain so Britain became nervous that Canadiens would do the same thing

There were more Canadiens in Quebec than British people

Britain decided to return to the Canadiens some of their rights to keep them happy in the colony


Where did many loyalists flee?

Quebec and Nova Scotia


How were Americans treated in BNA after the War of 1812?

Some of them were forced to leave and no more were allowed to enter


What were Lord Durhams three recommendations?

1. unite upper and lower Canada - province of Canada

2. establish a more democratic government

3. assimilate the Canadiens


Why did the Great Deportation happen?

The Acadians would not sign the oath of allegiance and Britain did not trust them


What did the Quebec Act allow? (4)

Catholic people could practice their religion

Canadiens were allowed to hold government positions

they reinstated French civil law

Extended the boundaries of Quebec beyond the proclamation line.


Who were among the refugees? Which groups of people? (4)

Black loyalists

British people loyal to Britain

First Nations people

German Mennonites


What are the four main points that came out of the Constitutional Act?

-divide Quebec into upper and lower Canada

Upper Canada- British civil and criminal law

Lower Canada - French civil law and British criminal law

-set aside lands for Protestant churches and guaranteed Canadien rights to the Catholic church

-Established officials and legislative council appointed by Britain in each colony


What were the four main pillars of the Act of Union?

-Combined upper and lower Canada into one province

-created a legislative council that the governor appointed

-created an assembly with an equal number of elected representatives from Canada West and Canada East

-made English the official language of the government