Topics to Know
Topics to Know
Topics to Know

What's the Bessemer Process?

A way to manufacture steel quickly and cheaply.


Whats a assembly line? 

An object is made by moving down an assembly line and each person puts on a different part.


What is mass culture? What is assimilation? 

Mass culture-leisure and cultural activities that are shared by many people.  

Assimilation is the bending of cultures together. 


What are stocks?

Stocks are the portions of ownership that businesses sell.


What was the spoils system?

The practice of giving jobs to unqualified people simply because you knew them. 


Where are old immigrants from? Where are new immigrants from?

Old immigrants came from Northern Europe- England and Ireland. 

New Immigrants came from Southern Europe-Italy and Poland. 


What is a corporation? 

Businesses that sell portions of ownership. These portions of ownership are called stocks in their business. 


What were political machines? Were they corrupt? If so how? Who ran political machines? 

Political machines were powerful organizations of politicians that dominated city and county politics. Yes, they were corrupt. They had rigged elections, brides, and gave jobs to unqualified people. 


Who was Boss Tweed? What did he run? 

Boss Tweed stole millions of dollars and used it to build schools, sewers, parks, and orphanages. He ran Tammany Hall, a political machine. 


What was isolationism? Why did America want to be isolationist? What changed their mind? What were the motives of imperialism? 

Isolationism- Avoiding involvement in foreign affairs. America wanted to be isolationist because it would help keep peace and because they could still help allies indirectly by providing weapons or materials. America also didn't want to be imperialistic like Great Britain because of the Revolutionary War. America changed its mind because the benefits were undeniable. There would be bigger markets to trade, raw materials, the spread of religion, and an increase in the population. 


What is collective bargaining?

All workers act collectively to get improved working conditions and money.


What are sweatshops?

Small shops where clothing was made in horrible working conditions 


Who was Jaboc Riis? What did he do?

Jaboc Riis was an immigrant who took photos and wrote articles exposing the hardships for immigrants. 


What was Muckrakers? What is yellow journalism?

Muckrakers- journalists that exposed the filth of society. Yellow journalism- telling vivid and exaggerated stories in the newspapers. 


What was the Square Deal? Who created the Square Deal?  

Square Deal- Roosevelt's plan to fix the country- believed that the interests of business people, consumers, and laborers should be balanced for the good of the economy. 


What is horizontal integration? What is vertical integration?

Horizontal integration is owning all businesses in a certain field- created by Rockefeller. 

Vertical integration is ownership of the business involved in each step of the manufacturing process. 


What were the tenements? Who lived there? What are some challenges of living in the tenements? 

Tenements are poorly built apartment buildings that house many families. Immigrants lived there. Some challenges of living in the tenements are that they were overcrowded, had sanitation issues, fires happened often, and there was high death rates for children and infants. 


Who were the Central Powers? 

Germany, Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary. 


What is socialism? What is capitalism? 

Socialism- the government owns and operates a country's means of production. It is the opposite of capitalism. Capitalism- Private businesses run most industries and competition determines the price of goods. Capitalism is the opposite of socialism. 


What was Locher vs. New York? What was Muller vs. Oregon?

Locher vs. New York - The Supreme Court ruled that states could not restrict the rights of employers and workers to enter into a labor government. 

Muller vs. Oregon- restricted the hours that women could work. 


What is a patent?

Exclusive rights to make or sell inventions. Patents protect the inventors from their inventions being stolen by others. 


What is the steerage? Where is it located? What class of people were put in the steerage? What were some challenges in the steerage?

The steerage is where immigrants were while traveling. It is located at the bottom of the boat right on top of the engine. Unlike the top of the boat, where first class was, the steerage was for the very poor immigrants. Some challenges in steerage include diseases, no space, and lack of food. 


What was the Sherman Antitrust Act?

Made it illegal to create monopolies or trusts that put limits on trade.


Name three reasons why the U.S. wanted to build the Panama Canal. 

1. To link the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean

2. Increase trade

3. Navy would be linked to Panama

4. Made transportation cheaper and more efficient


What was "No Man's Land"? What were the causes of WW1? What was trench warfare? How were the conditions in the trenches? 

"No man's land"- area had no coverage and anyone sent there was a target to be killed. Nationalism, competition for territory, imperialism, militarism, and the death of Archduke Ferdinand are all causes of WW1. Trench warfare- soldiers defended a position by fighting from the protection of deep ditches. Trench conditions- Very unsanitary, disease spread quickly, constant bullets, had to sleep with dead bodies, had limited food, and had uncomfortable clothes made of surge.