The most agreed upon number of continents
What is the number 7
This Genoan explorer is famous for settling the new world in favor of the Spanish crown
Who was Christopher Columbus
This president is the first president to serve two NON back-to-back terms in the 3rd milenium
Who is Donald Trump
The names of the two political parties in the United States
What are the Republican and Democratic parties?
This language is the most spoken language on earth
What is English
This city serves as the capital city of California
What is Sacramento
This American president is the only president to be born in a state outside of the continental US
Who is Barack Obama
This state was the only one to go blue during the 1984 presidential election
What is Minnesota
George Orwell and Bernie Sanders are affiliated with this set of political views
What is Democratic Socialism
This language is most often considered to be the hardest language to learn in the world
What is Mandarin Chinese
This country is the only country in the Middle East with no desert
What is Lebanon?
This was the largest land empire in history
What was the Mongol Empire
This president was the only one to be voted in unanimously by the electoral college
Who was George Washington
This political ideology overthrew the Russian government in the Early 1920s
What is Communism
American Sign Language originates from this country
What is France
This is the only country that holds the records for the hottest and coldest temperatures in its continent
What is Australia
This is the first Chinese dynasty to be recorded in history.
What is the Xia Dynasty
This is the number of how many vice presidents there have currently been
What is the number 50
This fictional political party can be found in the book "1984" and takes authoritarianism to its extreme
What is IngSoc
The Arabic, Hawaiian and Irish Gaelic languages all have this word order.
What is Verb, Subject, Object (Saw I Sam)
This city serves as the capital city of Kosovo
This was the name of the island Napoleon Bonaparte was born on
What is Corsica
This year held what most people consider to be the closest election in American history.
What was the year 2000
Franklin D. Roosevelt displayed this political philosophy throughout most of the second world war
What is Isolationism
The name of the language the Inuit people speak
What is Inuktitut