This is the most agreed upon number of continents
What is the number 7
This Genoan explorer was responsible for bringing the Americas to the attention of the Spanish crown
Who was Christopher Columbus
This is the name of the latest president to serve two terms that are not back-to-back
Who is Donald Trump
These are the two major political parties in the United States
What are the Republican and Democratic parties
This language is the most spoken one on Earth
What is English?
This city serves as the capital city of California
What is Sacramento
This is the only American president to have been born outside the continental 48 states
Who is Barack Obama
Bernie Sanders and George Orwell are well known people who are aligned with this ideology
What is Democratoc Socialism
This language is known to be one of if not the hardest language to learn, especially its writing system
What is Mandarin Chinese
These two countries are squashed between India and China on the Himalayan mountains
What are Nepal and Bhutan
This is the first recorded Chinese dynasty
What was the Xia dynasty
The Russian crown was overthrown in favor of this political ideology in 1922
This language family contains both Hebrew and Arabic
What is the Semetic language family
This country holds the records for both the hottest and coldest temperatures on its continent
What is Australia
This is the number of vice presidents there have been
What is the number 50
Popularized in the book 1984, the name of this political faction takes totalitarianism to its extreme
What is IngSoc
This language family contains Malay, Samoan and Hawaiian
What is the Austronesian language family
This city serves as the capital city of Kosovo
What is Pristina
This is the name of the language originally spoken on the Isle of Man
What is Manx