Who were the four imperial powers (countries) in Europe? Explain the five reasons they started to explore.
The reason why people started to explore was curiosity, precious stones and gold, finding an alternative route to Asia, spreading Christianity and power and control. The four imperial power countries were England, Portugal, France and Spain.
Hudson's Bay
Hudson’s Bay - The Hudson's Bay was important because it provided vulnerable furs which they could trade with. Trading allowed them to get some economic benefits.
When one country extends it control over another through economic or military
Networks of colonizes controlled by a single country
Authority of a state to govern another state
The Saint Lawrence river was an important location to New France because it was the main spot of exploration and settlement.
Newfoundland - Newfoundland was important because it had lots of natural resources and it attempted to control St. Lawrence River and expand their territory in America.
Creating colonies to take control of other places, and use their resources
Lack of vitamin C and fresh fruits and vegetables
Stadacona was an important location to New France because it was the key spot where the French traded with the Indigenous people. Also, it was the first French settlement.
Who were the three key players? What did each of them contribute?
The three players were Indigenous groups, merchants and Coureurs des bois. The indigenous groups found the furs and took them to the trading posts. The merchants organized the fur trade and financed. Lastly, the Coureurs des bois travelled around to find someone to trade with and travelled in between the trading posts.
Territory controlled by another country
Trading goods for goods
Acadia (Port-Royal) - Acadia was an important location because it had rich farmland, and was an important place for trading and defense.
What year was the Sovereign Council established? Who are the key figures and what were each of them responsible for?
In 1663, the Sovereign Council was established. In the Sovereign Council there were three main roles. The first role was the intendant and it was responsible for the day-to-day running of the colony. The second role was the governor and it was responsible for representing the king and handling defense. Lastly, the last role was bishop and it was the head of the church but played a political role.
When one company or group is the only one selling a certain product or service and there's no one else competing with them
Christians who travel around to change other's religion into Christianity
Quebec - Quebec was important because it was the First French permanent settlement in New France which was established by Samuel de Champlain. Also, it was an important spot where trading, exploration and spreading Christianity attempted to happen.
Explain how the Seigneurial System works. Who are the two key people and what are they responsible for? Where was the land and who gave it away?
The king gave land along the St. Lawrence River to seigneurs. The seigneurs had to find habitants to live on that land. On that land, habitants farmed and shared the crops with their seigneur. In return, seigneurs had to build a mill and church on the land for habitants.
Home Country
Colonizing country that is extending its control over another
Economic system that makes a country rich from its colonies