How many generations are shown in the diagram above?
Alvinique lives with her grandparents, parents and cousins. to which type of family does she belong?
a. sibling
b. nuclear
c. extended
An event that marks a stage in a person’s life is called
a. negative life experience
b. rite of passage
c. positive life experience
rite of passage
Mia and Paul had 3 children. Which one of their children did not have any children?
a. Sharon b. Jill c. Brad
Which of these is NOT considered a negative life experience?
a. learning to drive
b. changing school
c. an accident
learning to drive
What is Sharon's relationship to Lily?
a. mother b. aunt c. cousin
Jaylah just received the sacrament of Baptism. This event is ______.
(A) a secular life experience
(B) a negative life experience
(C) a religious rite of passage
a religious rite of passage
Who is the grandmother in the family?
All of the following, will cause a change in family membership, EXCEPT
C) A sibling attending university.
If Sharon, Thomas and Andy live with Maria and Paul, what type of family is this?
a. extended family b. sibling family c. nuclear family