What is Culture.....
The shared customs of a group of people.
Immigrants are people who move from one country to another.
Name a dance
Found on page 122
What is the biggest character in Disney?
What is Mickey Mouse
When does the New Year start for the Chinese holiday?
Chinese New Year begins late January and late February.
Define Ethnic Groups
Ethnic groups are made of people who come from the same place.
What are immigrants from Ireland called.
What is llama hair and sheep's wool
What color is the sky?
What is blue
A holiday in Ireland
St. Patrick's Day
Give an example of Oral Traditions
Describes the mix of people and cultures in the United States.
Melting Pot
What is the name of the South African dance?
Gumboot dance
How many colors are in the rainbow?
What is Mardi Gra?
Mardi Gra is a celebration in New Orleans (page 115)
What is the three line poem from the Japanese culture called....
Chinatown is an example of....
An Ethnic group (page 111)
Where does Zulu bead art come from?
South Africa (page 123)
What is your SEL teachers name you had on Thursday?
Ms. A
What does Dia de los Muertos mean?
The day of the dead
Name three different cultures?
African American, Caucasian, Indian
Little Italy is an example of....
Ethnic groups
Give an example of storytelling.
Poems, songs, and stories, folktales (page 105)
What is the title of Mrs. McKinley?
Name a African holiday